"We're going to meet them soon!" Y/N thought out loud by accident, which made Sam stop dead in his tracks and snapped his head back.

"Who? Who are we going to meet? I need to protect Mr Frodo!" Sam snapped and eyed Y/N with wary eyes. He still didn't trust her.

"I can't tell you, but their good." Y/N said slowly and she could feel heat rush to her face. 'How could I let something like that slip! I need to be more careful.' Y/N mentally scolded herself. She carried on walking until she noticed something. Sam and Frodo were no where in sight.

"Schnitzel!" Y/N yelled as she sprinted down the clearing in the crops, trying not to trip or fall because she had already fallen three times in the space of a few hours. Her legs carried her as fast as they could around the corner, to be greeted with the sight of Merry and Pippin lying on top of Frodo and Sam.

"Jeez! Keep it PG guys!" Y/N joked but was actually relieved when she saw the angry and confused halflings.

Marry asked in confusion, nudging Pippin.

"What is a 'guy' and what does 'PG' mean?" As he helped pull Frodo up of the ground.

"It's...Uh...Never mind." Y/N stated as Merry and Pippin wiped the dirt of their green cloaks.

"Get out my field you rascals!" All five heads snapped up to see movement in the tall crops and hear heavy foot falls of angry Farmer Maggot.

"Run!" Pippin yelled and sprinted the opposite direction, pulling Frodo by the hood behind him. Sams eyes widened and dropped the vegetables that he cradled in his arms.

"Let's go!" Y/N yelled and followed behind Sam. Y/N's ears picked up the commotion in front as Merry yelled about only stealing a few potato's and mushrooms. Y/N's face was being whipped by the crops and her lungs felt like they were about to combust. 'There will be a small cliff where the Hobbits fall off. I could try and get down it carefully-' Y/N's thoughts were cut off as her sneaker clad foot snagged on a dirty great root and she flew forwards and... BOOM. She flew off the small cliff, and rolled down the grassy bank almost landing on Merry.

"Dear lord, are you alright Mrs Y/N?" Y/N peeled her eyes open and groaned in pain and to her surprise it was Sam who was looking at her worriedly.

"I think I died." Y/N muttered and spat out a clump of grassy dirt whilst she clutched her now throbbing wrist.

"Mushrooms!" Yelled Merry, completely ignoring Y/N's injury.

"For the love of Loki!" Y/N muttered in pain. She slung her bag off her shoulder and grabbed her bandages which gave her a painful reminder of Miranda and how she was stuck in that house with Robert. She suddenly felt guilt for having the best time of her life and her adoptive mother could be dead which made her wrap the linen bandages so tight it hurt. After confirming it was just a sprain, she noticed Frodo looking worried standing on the dirt path.

"I think we should get off the road..." Frodo said to no one in particular at first. Y/N's heart started to pound become she knew what was going to happen and panic took over. She remembered that there was only space for the four Hobbits under the hollow in the ground and definitely not enough space for her.

"Get off the road!" Frodo yelled and leaped of the path and down to the murky hollow under it. The other Hobbits followed suite which left Y/N. Her heart pounded as her head went into a frenzy trying to think where to hide.

She could hear the galloping getting closer. The trees. It was the first thing that popped into her panicked mind and she leaped into action, grabbing the first tree branch she could find and heaved herself up it. Her hands burned from the bark scraping her palms and her injured wrist throbbed in agony.

She finally had made a small distance up the tree, maybe the height of a fully grown man. She was way to close to the ground but had to perch herself on a strong looking branch. Her whole body ached and her H/C hair stuck to her sweaty forehead .

Down below the Black Rider had jumped off its horse, sniffing the woodland air below it. Y/N covered to mouth with her hand to muffle the sound of her heavy breath. She stared at the dark creature in fear as it bent over the muddy hollow where the Hobbits took refuge.

'Oh God, Oh God, OK Y/N pull yourself to together. One of the Hobbits will through the bag of mushrooms and you can make a leap to the ground and sprint to the Hobbits.' She thought everything out. Or so she thought.

The Nâzgul straightened up with frighting speed. It's black cloaked head slowly turned to the tree she was in. Her heart sank so low it could have reached the Titanic.

Panic took over again as it started sniffing the air and circling the great Oak tree. As it closer to the tree Y/N's breath quickened and a spark went off in her head. She quickly but quietly un-zipped her bag and grabbed the dagger she received for her Birthday. It felt cold and heavy to touch but of course she wouldn't use, as stabbing a Nâzgul would kill her or make her terribly sick as a certain lady found out.

She only took it out for a reassurance and if her need was became so dyer it would be a life and death situation. A green flying object caught her attention as it landed with a thud on the dirt track a few meters away from her tree. It wasn't only her attention it caught.

The Dark Rider sprung off with a ear shattering screech.This was her moment. Y/N sprung from the tree and bolted down the grassy bank as fast as she could manage. She spotted four little figures running deeper into the forest. Y/N was absolutely petrified but there was another emotion too. Something exciting? As Y/N's heart quickened, her legs moved faster determined to catch up with the Halflings. Unfortunately she came to a dead end.

"Shit!" Y/N muttered. The Hobbits were no where in sight. Dread took over her when she felt someone or something tug on her hoodie.

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ~ {𝐋.𝐆}Where stories live. Discover now