"Jungkook, thank  you. I don't  know  what  I  would  ever done  without  you. His  parents  are  gonna  be  so mad. What  if they  sue the  kindergarten "

"Welcome Hyung. Now  I  have  to go.Ara isn't  feeling  well. Every time  she  grows a new teeth  it would  be  like  a tsunami. Even Taehyung  can't  handle  her. Just  keep  me  updated  on him  okay "

With  that Jungkook  rushed  out  of the  hospital. In 39 minutes  he was  already  pulling  up the  driveway. He was  welcomed  by Ara's  strong  wailing  from  inside.

"Where  the  hell  were you? "Taehyung 's  masculine  voice  roared.

"Can  you  give  her  to me. ?We will  talk later "

"Did you  give  her paracetamol? "he  continued.

"I  did  everything "

Jungkook  held  Ara closer  to his  chest  and  went  upstairs  with  her.

He sang  her a  song and  went  into  a sleeping  slumber. Something  about  a mother 's  touch. He  then laid her  to sleep  in her  cradle.

He  then  sat back  in the  rocking  chair.Admiring  her. She  was  the  best  thing  in his  world. More  tired  than he realized  he dozed  off.

His  relationship  with  Taehyung  cooled  off much  faster  than he had  expected.

Two  hours later  he woke  up and went down to prepare Ara's formula in case she  works up.

Taehyung  was  glued  to the  t.v.  and  Jungkook  was  in the kitchen.

When  he heard rustling  in the kitchen  he immediately  went there  to see Jungkook.

"I  was  waiting  for  you  for  two  hours. Were  you  still  putting  Ara to sleep? "

"It's  not  like  I'm  going  to run  away "Jungkook yawned

"Fine, where  were  you for  three hours. You  knew that Ara wasn't  well and  she  needed  you  the  most"

"There  was  an emergency  at the kindergarten  and  Hoseok  Hyung  called  me over. A kid fell  and  hit his  head."

"So that  kid is more  important  than  our  own  daughter? "

"Taehyung  you  are very  selfish. Why must  you  only think  of yourself. Just  like you  went  out  and  had  Ara birth certificate  changed. "

"I  didn't  do anything  wrong. She  is my  daughter  and  my name  should be  there  not  anyone  else. There  is nothing  to be  ashamed  of"

"I  too have  nothing  to apologize  to you. You  know  what  if I  knew  you  would  be like  this  then  I  would  have  never  married  you. You  are  insufferable Kim Taehyung. Just  get  out. I can't  stand you. Wait  this  is your  house. I'm  leaving "Jungkook  screamed hoarsely.

"What  did  you  say? Don't  act like  the  victim  here "

"So are  you the  victim. I'm  leaving  your   selfish ass  and  I'm  taking  my  daughter  with  me"

"You  wouldn't "Taehyung  changelled.

"Watch  me "

"Jungkook, you  really  need  to watch  that  temper  of yours.It isn't  good  for  you "

"Don't  tell  me  what  to do. I can't  believe  that  you  snapped  just  because  I  talked  about  your  brother. You  are  really  twisted "

"Jungkook! "Taehyung  roared.

"What? Do you  think  I'm  afraid  of you. I would  rather  spend  the  rest of my  life  alone  than  being  with  you "Jungkook  yelled.

"Jungkook, behave yourself. You  will  wake  up Ara. Can  we talk  like  civilized  adaults"

"No can't  do.1 I'm  not  civilized. I came  from  the  swamp remember. 2I don't  want  to talk  to  you "

Taehyung  scrunched  his  nose  in frustration  before  carrying  the  younger  bridal  style .Catching  Jungkook  totally  by suprise.

"Taehyung  let go of  me or I'm  going  to scream. I'm  not  going  to let  you  screw  me  over "Jungkook  yelled  as he  squirmed  in the  older 's  hold.

"What  do I  have  to do to shut  you  up ,seriously.I wonder how my brother put  up with  you  "

"He  never  had to because  he wasn't  an ass like someone. I act accordingly. I warned  you  that  you  wouldn't  be able  to deal  with  me. You  still  have  time "

"Do you  ever shut  up.There  you  go again. Bringing  him up"

"Well  you  started  it.I  really  don't  get  why you  get  so pressed about  someone  who isn't  even  here. Let  "

"You  are  being bratty but  don't  worry. I will  change  that "

"And  what  is that  supposed  to mean "Jungkook  frowned as Taehyung  kicked  the  door  of their  room  open  with his  right foot open

"You  will  find  out  soon  enough"Taehyung said as he let the  younger down  on the couch 

"Jungkook, let's just  get  one thing  straight. I don't hate  my brother at all.Its  just. ....I  can't  stand it when  you talk  about  him. It makes  me  feel  insecure  thinking that  you  prefer everything  that  you  did  with  him  than what  we have  right  now "Taehyung admitted.

Jungkook 's  eyes softened and  blinked a couple  of times.
"I'm  really  sorry  if that's  how  you  felt  but  I  just  can't  help being  once  married  to your  brother. It's  not  in my power  to change that  fact  Taehyung. I'm  terribly  sorry. I can  imagine  how  you  felt  everyday. I'm  sorry  for  being  selfish unknowingly. Maybe  if you would  have  told  me  we could  have  avoided  the  fight  that  we had  last  night  but  thank you for  telling  me  how  you  feel "Jungkook  fiddled  with his  fingers.

"Jungkook, I  didn't  tell  you  because  I  knew  you  would  feel  bad like this  and  I  don't  want  that. I thought  maybe  I  could  deal  with  my insecurities  before  they  get out  of hand  but  I  failed "

"Perhaps  I  gave  you  too  many  reasons  to think  that  I  don't  love  you "

"Jungkook, stop please "Taehyung pleaded.

"I  really  have  a nasty  temper I  know  but  I  wasn't  like  this. Since  my mother  left  I  learned to conceal  my emotions. That  changed  when  I met you. You evoked  all  the  negative emotions  in me.When I  found  out  I  was  carrying  your  child I  got mad at myself and  you the  most.I  felt  really  sorry  for  him. I was  even  prepared for  what  I  thought was  about  to come "

"Divorce? "

Jungkook nodded. "I  thought he  would  divorce  me but  he didn't. However  that  didn't  ease my peace of mind. I was  in dispear. The  guilty  that  I  felt  consumed  me everyday "

It ain't me  (Taekook)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें