Ocean, on the other hand, forced herself to say those words. She didn't want him to like her, she didn't want to feel anything for him. He was messing up everything, and she was scared of the change. It wasn't something she could deal with. So shunning him was easier to do.

"Then why are ya callin' me?" He fired, his frustration and anger getting the best of him.

"Who told you I wanted your number? You think you can just write it down for when I was ready. How could you be so sure I'd call?"

"I didn't think ya would, for a moment. But I knew ya'd realise that you deserve bet'er."

"I'm back with Jasper, Niall. And I'm happy."

"Yeah, you sound it." He mocked as it was clear that Ocean had been crying.

"Piss off, Niall." She retorted tiredly. "Can't you be happy for me?"

"Nah, I can't." He returned sternly.

"So much for caring about me."

"--No, I can't be happy for you because I know ya ain't. You're blatantly lyin', Ocean."

"I'm not lying."

"No?" He snapped, his full attention was now on her voice. The anger that was building inside him, was making him lose control. "Then why the fuck are ya callin' me? Last time I heard, ya didn't wan' anythin' to do with me."

"Yeah, well last time I checked, you had agreed to leave me alone!" She snapped back, reaching for the rolled up joint she had on the bedside table and lighting it up.

"Stop turnin' the tables. I am leavin' ya alone. I'm on the other side of the fuckin' country, does that please your highness?"

"Actually, you could be on the other side of the Solar System and I'd still not be happy."

A chuckle made its way to Niall's lips as her attitude and sass still captivated him. She was driving him up the wall, yet he still felt captivated and he certainly didn't want the conversation to end.

"Just out of curiousi'y, what makes you happy? 'Cause nothin' seems to ever do." He snarled, his anger seeping into his veins and into his words.

"The stars." Ocean answered simply.

"What?" He asked, taken aback by her answer. He wasn't expecting her to actually answer. Or rather, to answer something different to what his head was so convinced of hearing.

"The stars and planets make me happy, Niall." She mumbled coldly, letting her walls down slightly not wanting Niall to turn away.

"Is that why ya have all those Astronomy books in your room?" His voice softened then. The match had started again, yet Niall was still entranced by the girl.

"You noticed?"

"Of course." He said firmly. A slight hint of anger was still evident in his voice, but he knew he had to make an effort to hold it back seeing as the girl was opening up to him. "Is that what ya're studying at Uni?"

"Yes." She answered firmly, adding nothing else.

One soft chuckle left Niall's lips, as he expected her coldness, but added, "Good."

"Good." She repeated. Noticing that, that was somewhat becoming their thing.

"What do you want to be then?" He refrained from asking 'an astronaut' because he knew she'd snap at him again for teasing her.

"You're pushing it now, Niall."

The Irishman laughed, knowing this was coming.

"Fuck off," he teased, "Ya love windin' me up."

"I do." She replied with a smirk. Taking a drag she exhaled the fumes slowly, shutting her eyes and enjoying the moment.

"Rude." He teased again, and allowed himself to laugh. Ocean quickly followed suit and in that moment, they both felt a sudden connection. A silence followed, both unsure about how to go about changing topic. The girl with silvery-blue hair took another drag as the drug began to take effect in her body.

"Are you gettin' high?" Niall asked, the moment soon disappearing. He knew Ocean was getting lost in her sadness; a sadness to which she was so unaware of how visible it was.

"Yes." Ocean replied coldly, and Niall felt a tug of disappointment in his chest as he knew it was too good to believe that she would want to enjoy the moment without the help of the drugs. But before he could even think further about it, Ocean spoke again. "Niall?"


"Have you been thinking about me all this time?"

The question surprised the popstar slightly, but he didn't reject it.

"Why does it mat'er?" He asked.

"Just answer the question..."

"Why, have you?"

"Don't turn the tables, remember? I asked you..." She replied casually, unsure as to why she was suddenly asking him that, but it somehow felt like she needed to know.

"Maybe. What if I have?"

"Because maybe I have been too."

Ocean heard Niall groan and she could feel him shaking his head, "Don't play with me, Ocean. I really don't 'ave time for your torment."

"I'm not tormenting you. Do you really think I do that?"

Niall chose not to answer her question. Her unpredictability surprised him entirely, and he was still unsure whether this was one of her mind games she so-very-dearly liked to play with him.

"Then why are ya with that dick?" He asked her instead.

"Stop calling him that."

"What? He is." Niall insisted, his anger resurfacing.

"Don't let him hear you say that."

"I'm not scared of him," A scoff left his lips.

"Niall, you don't know him. You should be."

Another laugh slipped from his mouth as a hand ran through his hair, "What is he gonna do?"

"What will you do?"

"I'll fight him." At his words, Ocean couldn't help but let a small laugh to leave her pale lips. His words and intentions almost warmed her heart.

"You can''t-"

"What are ya tryin' to say?" He interrupted her, playing further on the hurt from her words.

"I'm just saying that you shouldn't get on the wrong side of him. He-"

"Has he hurt you?" The popstar suddenly demanded. Of course he was surprised with her sudden concern for his wellbeing, but the tone of voice she was using when she said those last words worried him. The thought almost made him want to punch the wall.

However, Niall never got to hear her reply as the sound of the door opening in the background was heard and Ocean suddenly mumbled, 'I have to go' into the phone.

"Ocean!" He called, but Ocean had already hung up.


A/N: Dum dum duuuuum. What did you guys think of their conversation? I personally thought it quite cute. What do you think will happen next???

Ocean is on the gif on the side or at the top if you're on the app. Just look at her sad face, n'aw. Let's all hug Ocean... or not.

Also the song just speaks this chapter. right? okay, only me.

Who's in to punching Jasper with me? But he's hot so maybe not so hard lol.

Don't forget to follow me on IG and Twitter! And please send me edits or fanmade covers and all that jazz... I love all that and I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!

IG: willyouzarryme

Twitter: cherriesmoothie       /      willyouzarryme


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