"May, you're in the ER, today." Kylie announced before she walked off, leaving us to head to our stations.

As I was about to head down, Taehyung grabbed on to my elbow and held me back.


"Who was that guy?" He cocked a brow, tilting his head slightly back as if trying to act like the tough guy.

I rolled my eyes. "I met him at Pluto."

This time, Taehyung was the one rolling his eyes. "You mean thirteen, forty-three, forty?"

"Pluto is easier." I shrug.

"Well, Yoongi likes the numbers version."

"I bet he does. Was this before or after he asked you for your number?" I smile teasingly to which Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"This park guy is cute. He new?" Taehyung asks, changing the subject almost immediately.

"I think so. I've never seen him here before. I'll find out later."

Taehyung snorts, shaking his head. "Speaking of boys. Ahn-ah said you were touching yourself in the-"

"I swear I am going to kill him."

Taehyung chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest as he took a step forward.

"May, you could have called me over—"

I roll my eyes, pushing him away so the nurses wouldn't get a bad idea and bring it up later in the cafeteria.

"You're spending too much time with him."

Taehyung's smile beamed as he followed me to the ER, poking and probing about this morning's events.

"You're my best friend, not my sex doll." I say when we're left alone in the elevator.

I could faintly make out Taehyung's reflection through the stainless steel doors of the elevator. He simply shrugged. "Exactly, and as you're best friend, I will do anything for you."

I burst out laughing, his rich laugh harmonizing with mine.

"I hate you." I shake my head.


The elevator doors open and I walk out, wishing Taehyung would follow me out so we can work together, but Kylie assigned him to a bigger case.

"Love you!" He shouts, earning looks from people standing by. I laugh to myself, hiding my blushing cheeks as I walk into the ER.

As soon as I walk through the doors, nurses and doctors run across the the floor, working together to help patients crying out in pain.

"Incoming!" A paramedic announces their passage through the ER for people to make room.

I peek over the crowd, judging if the case was worth my time, luckily, my fellow intern made it a lot easier to decide.

"Don't waste your time on her." She rolls her eyes, standing next to me with her arms crossed as we both watch the paramedics roll the patient in. "She's an aspiring model, living off of a protein shake and a small salad for diner everyday."

As I was about to speak, she continued. "It's her third time in the ER after fainting from the lack of protein and vitamins."

"Her third time?" I ask, suddenly curious about the patient as an unsettlement stirs in my stomach.

"Yeah. She's going to break her bones one of these days. They're as brittle as an old woman's suffering from osteoporosis."

"Uh, see ya, Nuri." I half smile, running toward the patient.

WHEN IT RAINSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ