Chapter 11- Ugh...Humans

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." She told him. Marco let out a small chortle, feeling butterflies in his stomach as he felt her hand stroke his cheek.

"Well now, isn't that precious." Glossaryk muttered in her head.

"Glossaryk...shut it!" Star said. Marco guessed that it was Glossaryk speaking inside her

head again. He bore a straight face.

"He's going to be doing this a lot isn't he?" Marco asked.

"Ohhh I have no doubt." Star replied. Star let out a bit of breath. "Okay, let's do this." She

told him, placing her hands in her lap. Marco nodded, picking up the tube of primer once again.

"Alright, close your eyes." Marco told her. Star did just as she was told. This was the first time a guy has ever done her makeup. Heck, she would have thought Tom would have done it since he wears eyeliner all the time. The last person she would have expected to apply it was Marco, even if he did put it on his own face when he had to get in that purple ball gown and pretend to be a princess. As her eyes were closed, Marco took his hands and squeezed some primer out from the tube he was holding. Star suddenly felt something cold applied to her one cheek, followed by the warmth of Marco's hand. She let out a tiny sigh. Marco could tell she enjoyed his touch. He evenly spread the primer around her skin, applying it evenly. Star felt as if Marco was massaging her face, almost as if she was getting a facial. As her face was rubbed with primer, thoughts raced through her head.

"...Marco?" Star called.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but...regardless of what is going know, whether good or bad or are always so positive. I mean alllwayyys." Star told him.

"Well...yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Marco replied as he finished putting the primer on her face, switching it with the tube of foundation. Star opened her eyes and paused for a moment.

"It's are you always like that?...seeing hope through matter what." Star told him as Marco dabbed a bit of foundation on his hand. He looked at Star, seeing without a doubt that she was losing faith that everything was going to be okay. From all that was going on, he understood; the humans and monsters at a disagreement, Skywynne being stuck in the wrong time period, and magic coming back? Things couldn't get any harder for her.

"Well, I have to admit. You...kind of taught me that." Marco told her.

"Wait, what?" She muttered under her breath.

"Yeah. I mean, when I first met you, you showed me how there is a bright side to...well, pretty much every little thing." Marco started pouring a small bit of the foundation in his hand, administering it to Star's cheeks. "You also taught me that a bad situation can always turn around." He told her. "Plus, spending 16 years trying to blow out Heckapoo's flame can really teach you to not lose hope, you know? Anyway, you really set an example." He chuckled. Star smiled before looking to her side.

"Really? I haven't been so 'positive and uplifting' though...sorry." Star said, struggling to keep eye contact with Marco. "I'm actually, kind of scared." She felt as if she's letting Marco down in terms of keeping faith that everything is going to be okay. She wished she could be a better role model for him. She had no idea that she could leave such a great impact on a person like that. She really didn't want to blow it and ruin all that.

"Hey, I get it. You've been going through a lot. You just finished defeating a magical army of soldiers and you have to figure out how to get Skywynne back home; not to mention the whole human vs. monsters problem to deal with. Now you have your hearts back unexpectedly. Seriously, there's nothing to be sorry for." Marco told her.

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