Chapter 1

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Cowley was a botanist living in lower Tadfeild. His cottage was small and quaint with a large extravagant garden in the back yard. Crowley was currently out watering his plants when he heard a loud bang from the front of the house. He turned off his hose and walked out to see what was happening, and that's when he saw a man next to a moving truck looking quite distressed. 

The man was holding a large box labeled books but the bottom of it had fallen out leaving the books. "Oh bugger." the man muttered as he began picking the books with a deep frown. For some reason Crowley found himself compelled to help the guy. He walked over and began helping pick the books up off of the ground.

The man looked up and smiled. He stood up with an armful of books. "Oh thank you so much. I must have packed too many in the same box." he said watching as Crowley stood up as well. "No problem at all. Where do I put these down?" He asked looking at the slightly smaller man in front of him. The man nodded and began walking to the cottage next door to Crowleys. "Yes, right this way." he said opening the door and setting the books down on the kitchen counter. Crowley followed and set the books down. "So are you moving in here then?"

The man nodded. "Yes, I am. It's quite a nice house and it's very clear that the neighbors take good care of their yards as well. Have you seen the garden next door? It is absolutely stunning." He said causing Crowley to blush and chuckle a bit. "Yes actually, it is my garden. I live next door. My name is Anthony J. Crowley, but you can just call me Crowley." he said holding out his hand.

The man gasped and grasped his hand giving it a nice shake. "Hello! I'm Aziraphale and I prefer not to use my last name so let's leave it at that shall we?" he said with a bright smile. "It is such a pleasure to meet you and might I say that garden of yours is excellent! Honestly, it sold me on this house. I think it is a very stunning view from my back window." he said causing Crowley to blush even more. 

Crowley chuckled. "W-Well thank you." He said a bit flustered. "I know quite a bit about plants. I'm a botanist." Aziraphale gasped slightly. "That's very exciting! I'm just a boring old English Professor." he said looking interested at Crowley. "Do you need help with any more boxes?" He asked looking at the nearly empty house. It was very clear that Aziraphale had only just started to move in.

Aziraphale took a deep breath and smiled. "You really don't have to help I-" Crowley cut him off "Nonsense, let's go get the rest of your things shall we?" he asked walking to the door, followed by Aziraphale who had quite a large grin.

They finished bringing in all of the boxes and a few pieces of furniture before collapsing on the couch. "Thank you so much! I insist you stay for dinner." Aziraphale got up and walked to the kitchen. "I do hope you enjoy spaghetti. I'm afraid it is all that I have at the moment. " Crowley walked to the kitchen after the smaller man and began laughing. "How about we just go out. You haven't even set up your dining room table yet. Don't worry I'll pay." he said walking to the door. 

Aziraphale stood stunned for a moment before following him. As they walked out Aziraphale caught a glimpse of a vintage Bentley parked in Crowley's driveway. The men walked over to it and Aziriphale hesitantly touched the door handle as Crowley got into the car. The blonde man got in and admired the interior. "This is a very beautiful car."

Crowley beamed with pride. "Thanks! She's in perfect condition and she's an original!" Aziraphale rubbed his hands together. "I'm afraid that I might mess it up if I touch it too much." This caused Crowley to laugh a bit. "Don't worry my mum owns an auto shop and I worked there before I became a botanist. I can keep her looking nice."

Aziraphale just nodded and smiled. They went to dinner at the ritz. When they got back it was late so Aziraphale and Crowley got out of the car and gazed at each other. Crowley was the first to break the eye-contact. "Well, I should get into bed. Big day tomorrow unpacking and putting up furniture and such. Goodbye, thank you for the lovely evening. " Az said beginning to walk away. Crowley shouted after him. "Y-You know if you want I can come over after work and help you." For some reason, Crowley felt drawn to helping the man.

Aziraphale quickly spun around and smiled the brightest smile that Crowley had ever seen. It made his heart leap out of his chest. "That does sound lovely. Thank you so much." He said before walking into his own house leaving Crowley staring at the door, heart beating wildly. "Well now that's not good." He said to himself. "No, you are not going to fall for him of all people. Get a hold of yourself, Crowley. I'm sure its a fluke, go to sleep and when you wake you won't be thinking about him. Yeah, I'm sure that will work."....

It didn't work

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