Last chance?

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It's 7 am when the alarm goes off. Of course Yeosang would be the first one to get up while Wooyoung keeps throwing himself from left to right and back. No matter how early he goes to bed, he has a hard time getting up ever since the fansign, especally since he found you on Instagram. It's like his thoughts are constantly spinning around you, even when he sleeps. A quiet groan leaves his throat as the alarm rings a second time. Running his hand trough his face, not even fully awake yet, the thought of your messages shoot him up in less than a second. Sitting up, he grabs his phone, the bright screen causing him to squint his eyes. He opens Instagram and sees a message of you with only two '??', nothing after. He holds his breath for a second, tapping on your profile to see if you blocked him but looks like you didn't. Maybe you just forgot, maybe you really want to know who is trying to pull a joke on you. Either way, Wooyoung is glad you didn't block him. But what is he going to do now? Should he answer? Should he not? He runs his fingers through his hair, staring at your message. He takes a deep breath and starts typing. 'Sorry, it was late. So, I kno-' The door opens. "Are you finally up? Hurry and get ready, we can't be late to our rehearsal." Wooyoung startles at Seonghwas voice from the door and almost drops his phone. "Uh, yeah, I'm coming." he replies and watches Seonghwa leave, leaving the door open. A slight growl vibrates in Wooyoungs throat as he locks his phone to get up. Can't he have like five minutes in private? He grabs some clothes and leaves to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

About an hour later, they all meet in the kitchen to grab a little snack, some power bars and fruits. Leaving the dorm, they get into their vans to drive to their filming set, going through some rehearsals for ther musicvideo shoot tomorrow. In the van, Wooyoung is sitting in the back, next to San who is looking out the window, watching other cars passing by. A quick glance over before Wooyoung pulls out his phone to open Instagram again. His heart is already pounding in fear to get caught by San. He opens your chat, no new messages from you. 'Sorry, it's hard to text when you're barely ever alone. So about the things you told me at the fansi-' "What are you doing? Did your mom text you?" Sans sudden voice from the left startles him so bad that he accidentally drops his phone into his lap just to quickly grab it again in hopes he didn't see that he is on Instagram. "Ah, y-yes. My mom. She wished us good luck with the rehearsals." Wooyoung answers with a shaky voice while San just looks at him with a raised brow, suspiciously. " sure?" he then asks and Wooyoung has to swallow. "Of course, why would I lie?" San squints his eyes a little and looks at Wooyoungs phone in his hands, then back to his face. "Oh, I would know a reason."  Wooyoung can feel his throat clench and his heart race inside his chest. And before he can say anything further, San already leans over, trying to grab his phone while Wooyoung leans back, presses himself against the window. "Show me your phone!" he hisses but Wooyoung tries to push him back. "I swear it's my mom!" "What are you guys doing again back there?" Hongjoong asks from the front seats, peaking his head between the seats to look back at what they are doing. "Nothing!" San says while he quickly leans back again, acting as if nothing happens. Wooyoung looks over to him, still wondering why he didn't tell Hongjoong already about everything. The leader just looks between them with a weird look before shaking his head and looking back at his own phone. Wooyoung can feel Sans eyes piercing through him from the side and he doesn't even dare looking at him. San isn't stupid. He knows that something is up. It must be you. Wooyoung still hasn't deleted his account. But how far will he go? His phone locked, he decides to wait until he has a quiet second to himself before he responds to you.

Finally arriving at the studio where the sets are already built up, Wooyoung excuses himself to go to the toilet real quick before they start with the rehearsal. Closing the door of the stall, he sits down on the lid of the toilet and unlocks his phone. 'So, about the things you told me at the fansign...' he starts off and feels his fingers starting to shake again as well his heart racing in his chest. He swallows. 'I remember that your post-it note said that I am your bias.' Okay, nothing your friends don't know about you as well. 'And you told me that Say My Name is your favorite song.' Another well known fact about you. How is this person seriously thinking they can trick you with facts that everybody knows about you? 'I asked you where you got that lititle scar on your cheek from and you told me you had it since birth since you scratched yourself right after.' Okay, this only know your closest friends. But it can still be one of them. 'And...You told me that you edit pictures for Atiny selca day every month with both of us but you never post them because you are too embarrassed...' Now, that's something you really never told anybody else because you felt a little ashamed. You always wanted to post them but you never did and you don't know why. It's in the middle of the night for you so Wooyoung doesn't expect any answer for the next couple hours. 'Please, you have to believe me. I wish I could just send you a picture of myself but I'm already risking everything right now. I wanted to find you, more than anything. So please let me prove you that it's really me. Somehow.' He bites his lip as he sends this message and stares at it for a minute as if he was waiting for an answer, knowing he wouldn't get one so soon. Taking a deep breath, he locks his phone and gets up, opens the stall door just to see San standing right in front of it, his arms crossed before his chest, his forehead creased in anger. Wooyoung flinches right at the sight of his best friend and his heart drops to the ground. "You are still talking to her, am I right?" Wooyoung keeps quiet. He doesn't know what to say. He knows, no matter what he says or does, San won't believe him. So he just stares him right into his eyes, quietly. San takes a step towards him and slams his hand against the narrow wall between the single stalls right next to Wooyoungs head which makes him flinch only once more. "Wooyoung, I swear to God, if you don't stop this nonsense you will be fucking grounded! You know you are my best friend but you are making it really hard for me to keep quiet." Wooyoung weakly blinks a couple of times, parting his lips t speak but it takes him a second until he finds his voice. "You..You don't understand, it's-" "Oh, I understand very well. But do you really think this can work out? Do you really fucking think this makes any sense? That you can just date a fan that - on top - lives on the other side of the world? That's not how it works, Wooyoung, this is not a fairytale!" San hisses through his teeth and Wooyoung can't even respond anything when suddenly, the door opens and Yeosang enters the bathroom, looking at them with a raised brow, chuckling quietly. "Are you two making out or something?" he just asks before disappearing in one of the stalls. San stares into Wooyoungs eyes for a second longer, speaking a last warning with his dark pair before he unsticks himself from him to leave the bathroom. Wooyoungs eyes follow him until he went through the door and this is the moment he starts breathing again. It's not that he is scared of San but more about him telling the others. For fucks sake, why can't he just freely text with you without being worried to ruin his whole career and kicking off a giant drama? A quick check on his phone - nothing. He takes another deep breath before he also leaves the bathroom and Yeosang, scared to face San but the rehearsal is already waiting. "Hey, Wooyoung? Can you hand me some paper please?" Silence. "Wooyoung?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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