Chapter - 38

374 44 53

Abhay's POV

How is even possible to go between all people? Same happening me and I'm suffering. I need to go but I can't say everyone also. Tomorrow is my engagement the best day but here I couldn't enjoy this. All this things are wondering in my head and for that I need to go hospital.

Finally with help of Atharv we left for shopping saying it's our engagement. Coming out I said him to go while I had work.

"I knew it. You're planning to run from all day so used me. C'mon Bhai it's our engagement wouldn't you help me shopping and buy something for yourself?"

"Well dramebazz for your kind of information shopping is done. We left saying buying a gift for our finance so go and buy for Vividha, I'll order something for Piya" i left before he could start again blabbering.

Coming hospital I left to meet Ryana whom my men's try to get Information but she didn't say anything and doctor said not to force which wasn't good for her health. Like I care. I only care for Piya, who cried because of this people. Once I got whoever behind everything that will be last day for that person.

"Sir" she whispered scared seeing me.

"Come to the exact point. For whom you did everything?"

"I don't know what you're talking about sir" she lied which clearly written on her face.

"Listen Miss Ryana I don't believe in waste time if you wouldn't say anything then ready to get destroyed. Think about your little son" she seems tensed but seeing my dangerous serious face she can understand I'm not lying.

"Please sir don't do anything to my son. Whatever I did only for him"

"What you mean" I asked crossing my hands on chest.

"I don't know who's that girl as she always wear hoodie and scarf. My son had SDA and for operation I need immediate money. I could get from company insurance but it would take time then she comes and help me then asked for my help. In this way I couldn't have to return money so I agreed and I don't know anything. She just asked her men to help entering building"

"Nonsense! You don't see her face?" I yelled.

"No sir but yeah I remember she had a watch with diamond chain around. It's some unique wrist watch so I remember"

I left feeling irritated about this girl, what she wants. A unique wrist watch quite expensive. Oh wait maybe I heard or saw it somewhere but where? Why couldn't I remember?

My phone ring. Atharv! I left soon.

Day went well and irritated too not getting chance to be Piya, both sister are sleeping together.

Engagement time comes with a flying bird. Soon we're in Hall which decorated like queen. Media was capturing every single moment and asking tone of questions. We answered only which needed. There I comes to know about Kartik my soon to be or can say already Salesahab and Kiya's relationship.

Soon Piya and Vividha comes down. My wife seems to kill me with her looks, she's looking extremely gorgeous, and the necklace I gave look pretty now as she wear it otherwise before it looks okay to me.

Standing beside me Piya looks up blushing, the way her face is glowing making me skip my heart beat. I so wants to kiss her right away.

Vrushika in plate comes with girls Ring while Ishitama comes with boys ring.

First girls out ring on boys and we shower with rose petals. Then we boys did same. I take my own time putting ring then kiss her knuckle making her blush more. The roses seems didn't stop soon then all pictures session. Taking  blessings to everyone. Dadu-dadi are so much emotional which I understand best.

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