Facing the house she watched as the big man came out, his hands bloodied from what she knew was her father's blood. As he came out another man popped into view at (F/n)'s side. He was much older but still well built. He said something that made the man holding (F/n) gently put her down.

She didn't hesitate, and ran to her mother who was sobbing into the ground close to the mens' feet.

She saw (F/n) running to her when she looked up and instantly took her into her arms. Tightly embracing her. 

And then, they just left. Although (F/n) heard the scary men say something, but couldn't remember what it was and was too scared to care.

She was in her mother's arms at all times now, being embraced in a rocking position for a long moment before being picked up and carried into their house that was tainted with the previous events.

When they came in they both saw dad in the living room, sitting in the bloody broken arm chair with his head in his hands. Everything was trashed, a picture frame of (F/n) ripped and scattered at his feet.

(F/n) noticed that her mother was trying to be strong and speak calmly, but the arms that held her were shaking.

All she could hear was her dad's sudden fearful words. "No.. No honey don't take her away from me! Don't take my little girl way! Please, I'll fix this!"

Those words echoed in (F/n)'s ears as she was hurriedly dressed by her mother and a hasty lunch was packed. She had been numb to conversation as her mother took her to preschool with teary eyes and sniffing every now and then.

They were late, but with a hush conversation between her mother and her teacher, (F/n) was welcomed quietly and kindly into the preschool. Her mom had left to go do something and promised to be back, but (F/n) wondered when.

"Hey! Earth to (F/n)!?" (F/n) yelped when a flick to the forehead snapped her back to reality.

"Your mom's here." Her friend beside her said, pointing behind them.

"Oh…" (F/n) turns to see her mother in better shape than when she left and was talking to one of the supervisers. 

She said her goodbyes to her friends and hopped off the seat of the picnic table and ran over to her mother, hugging her stomach.

Her mom said a few more things, patting (F/n)'s head before pulling her away and started walking over to an unknown car.

"Mommy, where are we going?" She asked, letting her mom help her into the back seat of the van.

"We're gonna go away for a while, like a vacation." She buckled (F/n) into her car seat, closing the door and coming around to the front seat and getting in. Starting the car.

"What about Daddy?"

(F/n) didn't seem to notice her mom's hands on the steering wheel clench hard. "No more questions now (F/n). Your leap ipad is there for you and Mr. Dolphin too."

She looked beside her in surprise. Mom was right as she saw her pale blue dolphin in a tux on top of the green electronic tablet. 

(F/n) obediently started entertaining herself, not asking anymore questions as her mother drove. They were in the strange car for a long time, making a few pit stops along the way. Only when they arrived at the port, driving onto a large ferry did (F/n) wonder when she would see her daddy again.

They spent the night in the car on the ferry. (F/n) used her mother's soft body as a pillow during her sleep. Despite being in deep slumber she could feel the tears fall from her mother's eyes onto her own head.

she's mine (yandere stepbrother x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now