5. The flag and the battle

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" You will be spectator" said Chiron

"Ok sir" I said as I walked next to him.

When I saw the armory I thought there was going to be was.

All weapons were there, swords, axes, bows, spears, etc. Capture the flag looked really amazing. Lots of ambushing, sword fighting and sniping arrows.

When we got to the spectator place. There was a girl she was beautiful and smelled like.... cinamon. "Hello Calypso" Chiron said "A Hello" she said. Chiron gave her a look of 'what are you doing here'

"Sorry just wanted to see if Leo was OK" she said.

"You have been thought a lot together?" I asked, she nodded.

"Well let the Capture the flag begin!" Chiron said.

Outside people seemed friendly here they were monsters. They fought, some got wounded, The Athena's strategies were awsome. Then something cough his eye. This boy, Leo. was shooting fireballs to Percy, that was blocking with water. It was awsome.

"O no" Chiron said

"What?' I asked

He pointed to the hill. Drakane were there, woman of 2 snake legs and horrible faces.

"Stop!!"Chiron screamed although nobody gave a s#*t

"Let me" said Calypso. She started singing. She sang beautifully all Demigods looked at her. "Thanks" Chiron said "People we are attacked prepare to kill drakan !!"

Something in my pocket started to burn, it was my bow ( when it is reduced) I took it and it turned to a full size bow and a quiver. I pulled an arrow and shot one Drakane it vaporised. I ran and join one of the kids that did't have a godly father, for now.

He had a bow and a grate aim. Son of Apollo. The sign of Apollo glowed in his head. "Hey" I said I don't know how but I knew he was Rick. "Rick do you want to go in this quest."

"yeah it will be great." He said. We kept shooting arrows at the Drakane until no one was left. "Victory shouted Chiron" While I was going to the cabin of Artemis I saw a group of Nikes children discussing who did more kills.

"Hey wait" said Percy.


"Anabeth told me you lived with Bob"

"Yeah thats true, and also with Hedge"

"Where is he"

"In Lima Peru , La molina Street 10."

"Thanks bro" he said and ran away

When he entered the room Nico was in there.

"Chiron wants to meet us all" he said as he walked away. I followed him to the great hall. All of the chosen demigod for the quest were there (including Rick) Phoebe daughter of Demeter and Frank Castellan son of Hermes. Alesandra daughter of Dynosus and Henry son of Hestia.

"We are only need a child of Hera to start the quest." said Chiron

"But Hera does not have children" said Phoebe

"Neither has Artemis" said Rick "But here he is " continued Rick "lets not let the chances down."

"There are three children that does not have a godly parent on the Hermes cabin."

"So I guess we will have to wait" I said and everyone nodded.

"Well see ya tomorrow guys" I said as I left.

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