4. The Chose Demigods

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"13 Demigods" Chiron said confused "and one from each god" said Jason "Ok" Chiron said "so it must be Alex son of Artemis, Jason, Percy, Nico. The big three the for Athena?" "Anabeth" Percy whispered. "Anabeth"said Alex. "Ok so for Ares, I think Clarisse." Suddenly the doors of the great hall burst open. It was Piper and Jess. Piper had a twisted leg. "Sorry we were on a charmspeack fight and I told her to kick a rock." Jess said "Take her to the children of Apollo, sorry Jason but she wont go." Jason looked as he wanted to protest. "I think for Aphrodite Jessica should ok" I said. "Jessica you are in" Chiron said as they walked to the Apollo Cabin. "and for Hephasteus Leo"

"For the rest of gods, we shall see tomorrow at Capture the flag"

Wile I was returning to the Artemis cabin lots of boy and girls were asking me who will go. "Il tell you tomorow" I said to the group.

When I got to the Artemis cabin I saw it was supposed to carry lots of Demigods. Well only me, I thought. I was about to get some sleep when I heard the door knock. When I open the door I saw it was Anabeth.

"Alex" she said. "What"

"Do you know what your last name is." she asked. "Well Bob said it was Chase"

She leaned over and hug me. "Im your family Alex, I'm a Chase too." I did't know what to do. "Wait did you say Bob" she asked, she looked like someone just came back from death. "Yeah Bob, he was really big, he told me I had a curse from here that I would grow faster until I reach Camp Half Blood. He also told me stories of how he faced Tartarus and how he got back to life"

"Well se ya tomorrow" I said as I enter the Artemis cabin. This night I slept like a baby. When I woke up and when outside I saw Jess outside. "Are you ready for the Capture the flag."

"Never been in one" I said. "Come on" she said. She grabbed my arm and took me to the woods.

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