2. Camp Half-Blood

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I woke up wishing all of this was a dream. But Noo first thing no surfboard on the walls. I walked out of the room. I couldn't see well. I walked out of the house to see that I should be at this camp. Camp half blood, whatever.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. "you must be the knew guy Nico brought yesterday" a voice said. I turn around and saw a girl not more than5 cm shorter than me. Blue eyes reflected with the moon, dark hair and she looked cute. " Hi Im Alex" "Hi Im Jessica, pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Camp half-blood" "thanks, Jessica"

"What are you doing woke up at midnight?" Jessica asked. " Well if you woke up in a place you don't know what will you do?" " I guess you have a point" Jessica said. "Hey so this is a camp were sons of greek gods go" I asked " Well yeah I am daughter of Aphrodite, you know" Jessica said. "I think we must take you to Chiron and..." Suddenly a centaur appeared. "I see Alex you have met Jess here, the son must be coming out soon son better get ready." Chiron said. "Umm Jess show him around, we meet for brackfast." He walked away. We couldn't reach the Zeus cabin before the sun came out. We saw two guys walk out of the Zeus cabin. One was a boy and another a girl. "Ooo Pipes Chiron is going ti kill you if he figure you slept with Jason, again" said Jess "Oo shut up" said Piper Alex suddenly felt like he did't want to talk again. "So you finally found a boyfriend Jess" They started discussing and the boy Jason came to him. "They always fight don't worry" "Thanks" I said "Come on I will show you around" he said

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