Lita: what's wrong?

Trish: ex boyfriend and Danny are here

Matt: wait what?

Trish: I went for that walk and I saw Danny and a guy next to him at first I didn't know who he was but when I looked closer it was Kyle my ex boyfriend and I don't know how they found me.

Lita: we will help you through this

Matt: *nods*

Jeff: yeah

Trish: thanks

We talked about what Trish saw on her walk and I felt sorry for her she has her ex boyfriend here as well as the guy who sort of stalked her in high school.

Trish: Jeff?

Jeff: huh?

Trish: are you okay?

Jeff: yeah I'm fine

Trish: you sure?

Jeff: yeah why do you ask?

Matt: bro you were staring into space for a long time

Jeff: sorry I was thinking

Lita: want to tell us?

Jeff: no it was nothing

Trish: that is a lie Jeff

Jeff: huh?

Trish: can I talk to Jeff....alone

Matt and Lita nodded and walked out of the room and Trish sat on Lita's bed and held my hands.

Trish: I won't force you to tell me what you were thinking about but I want to know that you trust me enough to tell me soon and also that if you say nothing is wrong you know I will know it is a lie so there is no point in lying to me.

Jeff: I know and I do trust you I promise

Trish: so what were you thinking about?

Jeff: just how it is gonna be when your ex boyfriend and the guy who sorta stalked you in high school are here and we don't know what they will do

Trish: I know but with you, Matt and Lita by my side I know that I can turn to you if I need help with them especially you Jeff

Jeff: really?

Trish: of course

Jeff: *smiles*

Trish: is that everything that is on your mind or is there more on your mind

Jeff: that's all I promise

Trish: alright

Trish let go of my hands and then she stood up and walked to the door and opened it to see Lita and Matt she smiled at them and let them in.

Lita: you alright Jeff?

Jeff: yeah

We talked about anything but what me and Trish talked about because that is a private conversation it started to get late then me and Matt walked back to our hotel room.

End of POV

Trish's POV

The boys walked out of the room then Lita tried to get it out of me but I wouldn't tell her I got ready for bed but I forgot I had a scar on my stomach from something else and Lita saw.

Lita: what's that?

Trish: that's my stomach Lita *sarcastic* 

Lita: *rolls eyes* I meant the scar

Trish: it's nothing

Lita: that ain't nothing

Then I forgot I had one on my chest as well let's just say I had scars on my stomach, chest, upper arms and my thighs and that is Shawn who did that like seriously my own brother caused those scars.

Lita: where did they come from?

Trish: leave it alone

Lita: Trish tell me 

Trish: no because it is nothing 

Lita: that is something Trish

Trish: leave it Lita when I say it is nothing then it is nothing

Lita: alright chill I just want to know so I could help

Trish: they are healed 

I then got in bed and fell asleep I am exhausted.

End of POV

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