Pt31: Taking a Walk

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Aggghhh she's so cute in that photo 🥺🥺

Your pov:
"Hey, how are you?" Naomi asks, her tan skin glistening under the sun.
"I dunno." I look at my hands. Playing with my- billies rings on my fingers.
"I heard the news." Theres a slight pause before she starts her next sentence. "Im sorry love, I know you really liked her." A frown forms on her face.
"I don't know what to do." I look back at her, my eyes burning from holding back the tears that so desperately want to rush out.

"I say hear her out-"
"She cheated, there's nothing to hear." I rudely interrupt.

I take my gaze from Naomi, back to the view. How could she say that? She knows damn well Billie cheated and thats that.

She takes a deep breath.

"Listen, I get it. You have every right in the world to feel this way. But maybe you should talk to her about it... I know she loves you and I dont think she would cheat for no reason. But then again, do what you feel is best. Whatever you do im here for you." She looks into my eyes and smiles. I take a deep breath and put my head on her shoulder. She starts playing with my hair.
"I guess." I say, emotionlessly

We sit in silence for a while, watching the sun slowly set. The sun feels warm on my skin, like its holding me, telling me everything is going to be okay. The light dances in the water. The sky is starting transition from orange-ish pink-ish color to a purple/blue color. The breeze slightly pinches my skin. All this reassuring me that every thing is gonna be alright.

"It's getting dark, we should get back soon." Naomi say's, taking me out of my gaze.
"Aww but it was just getting nice out." I whine.
"I know I know, but it's getting cold and im not tryna get sick." She laughs and proceeds to lightly pushes my head off her shoulder and grabs my hand while we runs to the cars.

We decide that were going to meet each other at my house.

*At your house*

Me and Naomi do so much at my house, its like a 8 year olds sleep over. We paint each others nails, watch scary movies, play music hella loud while screaming the lyrics, stuff like that. I could tell she was trying to do anything to get Billie off my mind for a while. I can tell you that it was working, but she still lingers in the back of my mind.

We order pizza and devoured while talking.

"So... what are you gonna do?" Naomi says in a singy songy voice.
"With Billie?"
"Yeah, whatever you do I'm down to help, even if it is my girlfriends twin sister..." she trails off. She looks like shes thinking, hard. Suddenly, her face brightens up. "you realize that made us sisters!?"
I laugh.

"I'm just going to wait a while I guess, clear my head, let her clear out hers..." I sit there for a second, "Have we not always been sisters?" I say and we start laughing.

*Billies pov*

Wil and I were hanging out in my room listening to music and watching vines.

"I don't know what to do." I randomly blurt out. "I cant get her off my mind."
"You should do that shit they did in the 80's where they had the boom box and would blast music by their window." She says laughing.
"That's some corny ass shit that im not doing." I say, laughing along with her. "But for real, what should I do."
"Talk to her."
"As soon as possible."
"And say what?"
"Say how you feel."

I took a moment to think. How do I feel? I know exactly how I feel I'm just not sure how to put it into words.

Without saying a word to Wil, i grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Wil followed behind.

"Wait Bil, maybe now is just a little too soon?" She stretches the word 'little' out.
"You deadass just said talk to her as soon as possible." I look at her confused.
"Yeah, I know but, maybe give her some time to think? I say do it tomorrow."
"What happened to 'Now or Never'?"
"Yeah, no. That doesn't apply here. How about tomorrow? Send her a text saying you want to meet her at some cafe or something. Not too early, and not too late.  Make sure to get to the battle ground first, its always best to get there first. Oh and pick a good seat you don't want anyo-"
"Okay, okay I get it." I say laughing. "You're the best wingman i could ever have." I say to Wil and smile.
"Thats what im here for."

I send the text to y/n, anxiously waiting for her to reply.

"Sounds great." She replies. I smile at the letters on my screen.

Long time no see 😅😅😅 uuuuuhhhhh, sorry ab dat yall, i miss writing on here but when i tell u ive been busy, i mean i been busy. But its okay cuz im halfway kinda sorta maybe back from my lil break.
Thanks for reaading and coomenting i wuv you all 🥺🥺❤️ but rn just aint a good tome fur me 😔 but i'll b back i swea. ALSO I GOT MY FIRST PIECE OF BILLIE MERCH AND OMGGGGGG I SO HAPPY

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