7. Jazz's Point Of View

Start from the beginning

I threaded the needle and started stitching the cut together trying to make it as neat as possible, which in itself was a difficult task to accomplish as it hurt and I kept twitching.

My hands were trembling as I tried getting a third stitch in place, my eyes were watering and my vision was blurry. I could feel Jades eyes on me as I continued to ignore her and finished off my stitches, wrapping a bandage around my foot. They weren't as neat as I wanted, but they would suffice, it wasn't the first time I've had to stitch myself up.

I got up and limped to my bedroom to get ready for school training, I wasn't in any mood to look good so I just threw on some black sweatpants and a black tank top.

I left the dormitory and made my way to the great hall on my own as Jade had already left. I reached the great hall and walked inside noticing that everyone in our year was here.

I stayed stood in the corner, away from everyone, my foot was throbbing and sore. I watched as the headmistress addressed the hall.

"Good morning students. Today's schedule has been changed, as you will have noticed, you will all be grouped together. You will pair up and participate in a dual with a partner from your own school house. This is so we can establish what further training you will need in each of your specialised areas."

Everyone rushed to pair up while Jade moved reluctantly over to me as I continued to ignore her presence and we all waited for further instructions from the headmistress.

We watched Buffy and Faith fight with each other and once they were done other pairs followed including Hermione and Ginny, Tori and some chick from her house and Willow and another witch.

Jade was still stood near me and I couldn't handle the cold shoulder she was giving me.

"What exactly is your problem with me?" I whispered as another pair of witches were duelling.

"I don't have a specific problem with you! It's just you in general that is the problem! You came to this school, invaded my house, brought trouble along with you and you treat everyone like shit! My life was fine before you intruded and fucked it all up!" She replied with venom lacing her voice.

Everything she said hurt but I wasn't going to let her know that.

"Hey, you're the one that wanted to be friends. You're the one that always acts nice with me but a complete bitch to everyone including your own friends! I told you from the beginning I couldn't be friends with anyone! Everyone else has accepted it except you! So don't blame this on me when I tried keeping you away from my problems!" I hissed back, pissed off.

"Jade West and Jazz Wood, please come forward for your duel." The headmistress announced.

We both walked forward to the duelling platform neither of us breaking eye contact as we were both still angry at each other and there was no way this duel would have a good outcome, especially since my foot was injured.

"You two may use a mixture of your three abilities during this duel. Begin!" The headmistress spoke.

Straight off the bat Jade shot a spell at me knocking me into the wall but I got up quickly running at Jade. I jumped over her and shot a spell at her causing her to fall to the floor. I landed behind her and she swiped my feet out from under me causing me to fall on my back.

We had been duelling for what seemed like hours, neither of us giving up and neither of us gaining the upper hand. The only people left in the hall was Jade's friends and the headmistress.

Jade shot a spell at me that cut me across my belly and I was momentarily dazed from it but still managed to shoot a spell toward Jade. It unfortunately missed and she was now stood in front of me.

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