7. Jazz's Point Of View

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I was woken up by someone saying my name loudly and shaking me. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around the room allowing them to focus, before they landed on Jade.

She stopped shaking me but didn't remove her hand from my shoulder, her eyes were red and bloodshot and she looked really exhausted.

"Do you want breakfast?" She asked bluntly and harshly as she moved away from my bed.

"Uh, yeah, ok." I replied groggily, stretching.

I watched as she nodded and left my room, her baggy sweat pants sat low on her hips, her vest top was crinkled and showed about an inch of her skin between her pants and top.

I got up and followed her out to the kitchen in my pyjama pants and sports bra, grabbing a t-shirt I pulled it over my head as I joined her in the kitchen.

As I got into the kitchen Jade was busy making coffee, she moved slowly round the kitchen yawning periodically as she placed two plates of toast on the breakfast bar and one cup of coffee.

She turned and grabbed the other cup of coffee but it slipped from her grasp and she dropped it onto the floor, it smashed covering her feet with the scalding beverage.

"Fuck, shit, ouch, fuck, fuck, fuck." She cussed as she hopped around from foot to foot causing more damage to herself.

"Stop moving!" I said, worry lacing my voice as I rushed over to her.

I winced as I felt a shard from the mug enter my foot. I grabbed hold of Jade and tried moving her away from the kitchen area so I could check her feet, but she struggled against me pushing me away from her.

"I need to clean this up!" She spoke angrily as she bent over trying to pick the smashed mug up.

"No!" I replied sternly as I grabbed her and dragged her away from the mess, "The mess can wait, let's clean your feet up."

I pushed her down onto the sofa as she glared at me, ignoring her death stare I focused on her feet.

I limped to my bedroom as best I could, getting my first aid kit. I knelt down in front of Jade and I took one of her feet in my hands.

Her feet were blistered and raw on top and bleeding underneath from stepping on bits of broken mug.

I cleaned the blood away so I could see her cuts better and grabbing some tweezers I started gently pulling shards out of her cuts.

Jade hissed and twitched occasionally but sat still, mostly, letting me work.

"Some of these cuts are really deep." I said quietly inspecting her feet, "And the blistering is pretty bad."

"Yeah? So what! Just fucking leave it!" Jade replied nastily, pushing me away again and hobbling to her feet.

"What is your damn problem?" I hissed grabbing her wrist and forcing her to look at me.

"You! You're my problem! Just stop trying to fucking help me! I can fix my injuries by myself! I don't need you!" She shouted, yanking her wrist out of my grip before shooting a spell at her feet.

My jaw dropped as I saw the burns heal on her feet and Jade walked away to her bedroom perfectly fine. Shaking off the shock, I cleaned up the kitchen before sitting down on the sofa and tending to my own foot.

I angrily yanked the piece of mug out of my foot, internally cussing at myself for not knowing what I had done to upset Jade.

Pulling my first aid kit over to me, I grabbed my suture kit and iodine. I felt Jades presence lurking in the living room but ignored it as I rinsed my cut out with the iodine.

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