10 - Laser Guns and Roses

Start from the beginning

"That..." Dan looked perplexed, "Lemme see that, I think I know what it is."

I handed it to him, and he twisted it around. He clearly knew more about guns than I did, as he... is the term 'cocked'? He readied the gun, I think, and aimed it at the bed. He pulled the trigger, and the blue lines on the gun began to glow. He let go of the trigger, and a blue bolt of... hell it looked like an energy blast from an old sci-fi movie, shot out of the gun, blasting a hole straight through the mattress.

"Shit," I said, as the both of us stared at the hole that had burnt nearly all the way through the bed. I quickly said, "That's a fricken laser gun."

"Yeah," Dan smiled, looking over the gun, "I call dibs."

"Hey, I found it!"

"And you have zero experience with guns, let alone laser guns," he looked at the deagle in his other hand, "Though I can't say you can handle a deagle as your first gun either..."

"Well this is all we got other than your throwing knives and my swiss army knife," I looked around, "Or the guy's razors over there."

Dan sighed, handing the laser gun to me, "Be very fuckin careful with this thing, David."

I carefully took the laser gun from Dan, looking over at the bed, "I will be, but did you really have to do that?"

"Their bed was shitty anyway, they can get a new one," Dan snorted, "Come on, let's going, I found a spare set of keys to something, there could be a car in the garage."

"Oh, whoopee," I said sarcastically, carefully sticking the laser gun in my back pocket, "Let's go steal their car as well."

"If you want to get to the city faster, then yes, let's," Dan strolled out of the room, his cloaked drone following him out. I sighed, following him and looking over to my drone.

My earpiece beeped, "Congratulations on your first completed daily task: Acquiring food and weapons."

"Great," I mumbled. I glanced to my right, seeing the other room, and so I said, "Wait a sec, we haven't checked this room."

I heard Dan sigh, but he followed me into the room. It looked like a girls room, the pale pink walls gave that away, along with the wallpaper of roses that went around the room halfway up each wall. I immediately went over to the desk, picking up a... pink laptop... great.

Dan chuckled, "Nice laptop buddy."

"Shut up, it'll help," I grumbled. Oh god there's even rose designs on the lid... Well, like I said, it'll help us out.

...Still, why pink... and roses?

After checking around the room a little more, Dan and I walked out after putting the laptop in an extra bag Dan had. I slug that bag over my shoulder, and checked the time on my watch. Shit, it was already noon? Wow, time flies... I think my sister has her lunch period now, so... I wonder how she's faring... Does she know about me? Has anyone told her that her brother is in the Game? I hope not...

"Hey Dan?" I called.


"Do you think we could stop somewhere before going to the city?"

I reached the bottom of the stairs to see Dan looking at me from what I assumed was the door to the garage, "Stop where, exactly?"

"...My sister's school."

Dan gave me an exasperated expression, "Maybe, but, honestly, what good will that do? You'll probably make her cry, David."

"It's better than my parents telling her I'm dead or something," I clenched my jaw almost into a snarl, "They disowned me when I got home. Daisy is the only person I care about right now, and she needs to hear it from me as soon as possible, before I fucking die."

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