5 - Kidnapped

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I grimaced when I came to. The first thing I noticed was the gag around my mouth. I tried to move, but my arms and legs were tied to the chair I was slumped over in.

Opening my eyes, I found myself sitting in front of a Holo-TV. I was surprised to see the inside of the family car on it - Daisy and her parents were in there. Bruce was fiddling with his phone as he drove, while Primrose's arms were crossed as she was looking around, annoyed by something.

"Ah there!" Bruce said, "I've got his phone's location on GPS... but he's not moving..."

"Where?" Primrose snorted.

"It's close by."

I looked in confusion at this for a moment, then looked around. I was in a dark room, strapped to a chair, my footpaws and wrists tied underneath and behind me, and a gag in my mouth. All I could really do was look at the hologram, everything else was too dark to make out.

Daisy was looking out the window, but turned to mom and dad after a second, "Mom, Dad-"

"Hush," Bruce interrupted.

"But weren't you really mad at-"

"I was not. Your mother overreacted like she always does," Bruce said, holding his phone out and tracking my location with it.

Primrose rolled her eyes, "We're wasting time-"

"We need to find him before he hurts himself," Bruce snarled slightly.

"Why would Davie hurt himself?" Daisy asked.

My heart sank as Primrose and Bruce glanced at each other. The last thing I had said through my phone was that I'd die, so that and the fact that dad said my location wasn't moving - because I threw down my phone - the thought that I had killed myself must have been in their minds right then and there.

Whether this was a recording or live footage, I couldn't tell, but I did see the genuine worry in... dad's eyes ...Primrose, less so, it was sort of there, but I had my doubts.

Dad soon said with a worried tone, "Daisy... please, be quiet."


"Daisy!" Primrose snapped.

Dad snarled, "You shut your mouth as well, dear. You caused this mess." Primrose looked offended, and was about to reply when Dad interrupted, "David should be close now, look for him."

The car slowed down, I think. Primrose snorted and briefly glanced around, while Dad was turning his head all over, looking around for me, and Daisy was doing the same as Dad. Dad soon looked down, tapping his phone a few times.

"...I don't see him. Do you see him, Daisy?" Dad asked, looking up once more.


Dad soon stopped the car, taking off his seat-belt and saying in a dull tone, "He's right on top of us, according to this..." Dad then stepped out of the car, Primrose rolling her eyes and getting out as well. Daisy soon unbuckled herself and flipped the lock on her door so she could get out too.

I was surprised to see the camera that had taken the video, or was showing it to me live, moved up and back like it was on a drone or some small hovering vehicle. It panned the camera down and over, flying high as it tracked them. They stood in front of the car and looked around in confusion for a moment. Daisy soon went over to the sidewalk and was looking around for me. Primrose took that opportunity to angrily say that they were wasting their energy trying to find me, that the tracking system isn't working. Dad was snarling back that it always worked, they weren't wasting their time, and I should be very close to them.

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