CHAPTER 3: Coincidence

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HI guys!  its been a pleasure for YOU to read this!  thus its makes me HAPPY as well...  HAPPY reading fellow reading fellow reader's!



I am now taking a bath and planning to go on shopping. Well, I was totally exhuasted of what had happened yesterday and now my friend "CRISTINE" was boggling me. Sending so many text's about the hot boy issues.

After so many text's I had recieved she decided to call. WOW! Is she really this kind of annoying?

I took a deep breath and answer it.

"HELL-O?" while combing my hair and putting up my credit cards on my golden wallet. Trying to look my reflection in the mirror.

PERFECT I growled to myself.

"YOU! Im still jealous of what happened yesterday!! and why are you not answering my messages? it was like a hundred of them and you've never even replied just once?!" she was upset while chuckling on the line.

"well, for your info. I was taking a bath and my phone was totally dead.." I said straightly without any second thoughts."And hey! your like my mom!" I innocently answered.

"well, im just going somewhere?"

"yeah. to the mall. ! wanna come?"

"naaah... im okay. BAAAYYY!" She then hung it up. looks like she's on a hurry. I wonder what is it .... Well let things be with it.

[[End of phone call...]]

I decided to go on my own while my mom is always busy on her work. Shes always busy. Being the right hand of the PRESIDENT. which is always working...


Ive been buying a lot of things and carried almost ten shopping bags. Since I am hungry I decided to eat first before I'll go home.

I proceed to the nearby restaurant inside the Mall.


What a tiring day I had yesterday. I was so shocked that she even did'nt recognize me.She even did'nt wait for me to say my name!maybe shes mad.

Well, I can't blame her because of the abrupt descision my parents had. The reason why we are far apart from each other.

But thanks to her so-called bestfriend, which is my spy in able for me to know each and one of her actions.

At first she was already pissed off because she confess that she likes me the time I call her when they were in the cafeteria. I almost got caught with cassey and thanks to fast moves I did'nt.

But the time I explained her everything, she was so Girly that she thinks its kinda cute.So we planned to hide it from her, remain just in silence and only for the two of us. Just act normal infront of Cassey.

Girls are girls.

I was just lying in my bed with my earphones plugged when suddenly my music had changed and thats why I recognize someone is calling...

Its her! >_<

CASSEY'S so called-bestfriend. -_-

"HELL-O?" I said annoyingly.

"Hey! why are you so mean?! and why the heck the both of you answers my phone call in that way!!" she said through gritted teeth....

"so heres the news... " she said.


I decided to eat on Road house . its the only resto. which had few costumers because of its prestigous food. Easy for me to line up.... I said in my thoughts.

It was my time to do my order and I said it quickly.Im hungry ya know?

The counter girl assisted me and also the boy beside me.

It took a minute for me to wait up before the countergirl are now placing a tray and Whoo! placing my orders on it. Cant wait to get rid of them.

I was totally happy as I watch my food literally placed by the counter girl on the tray. Atlast! I can now eat my favorite Itallian spaghetti!!!

I was technically shocked of what had happened next. I was on my action to get the tray with my orders but then suddenly the boy beside me also took it.

He was now holding my hands and I on the other side was still on ajar. We then looked each other and both exclaimed.

"This is my mine!" we both insisted.

At first I do feel something electric shock defused on my every nerves the time he hold my hand's accidentally.

Our eyes were widened when we see each other.

"You!!" while pointing up each other.

You again....

What a coincidence! I think.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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