one : Graduation

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"It is my best honor to introduce the Wells High School graduating class of 2015." Proclaimed Mr. Tauder, the principle of Wells. As the words left his lips caps flew into the air, and kids cheered all around me in rejoice that they had made it through hell called high school. I was one of them.

I couldn't ease the smile off of my lips, nor did I want to. After this, I only had a day left in the old town I grew up in. In a matter of hours I was going to be on a plane with my best friend to the city of Los Angelas.

My friend, Haven, and I planned on going to a small local college a bit outside of L.A. There we had an apartment ready to be moved into, and a new life for us both. Saying I was excited was possibly an understatement.

I had never been out of the enviorment I called home, and the idea of being able to explore the world I lived in brought me to a happiness of extremes.

After the crowd had dispersed I managed to find Haven and Matty, my two closest friends in the world. They were both chatting and laughing as I walked up, my black gown slung over my arm and my cap still on my head. I didn't feel like getting very fancy for the ceremony like most girls were doing. So I wore a navy blue sun dress that ended a few inches above my knee. It had short sleeves that flared out a bit and the neckline was a bit deeper than I prefered. It was cute I guess, but it just wasn't my best article of clothing I owned.

"Aloha," Matty welcomed as I pulled ny hair out of the simple ponytail I had pulled my untamed curly hair out of. My hair was a simple blonde color that I was given to by my mom along with my unaturally dark blue eyes.

"Hello," I say with a chirpy voice. I just finished high school, I was so damn happy. "Are we still going to Whitey's after pictures?" I ask my friends and Haven nods.

Whitey's was our happy place. It was somewhere we constantly were at, eating all the free samples of ice cream we could get and eventually get a random item from the menu. Haven and I worked there for a month our sophmore year but we ended up quiting because of how cold it constantly was.

"Okay," I say then drape my arm around Matty's shoulders. Matty was a short guy, a few inches taller than me, with chocolate hair and matching eyes. I haven't known him as long as I've known Haven, but it seemed like I have. I don't know, but I guess we were like the three musketeers. As lame as it sounds, him, Haven and I were always together doing something more crazier than the last. "Can one of you two give me a ride? My car is crap and broke down on the way to the ceremony."

Haven chuckles and I send her a glare, "I can give you a ride." She said with a small flick of her dark brown hair. I let out a breath and then we continue to talk until I hear my mom's unmistakable heels walk up behind me.

"Kelsey," She says in her deep Russian accent. Most people didn't understand my mom because of how deep her accent was, but since I grew up with her I was able to interpret what she said. But sadly I was able to understand her when she yelled at someone or something in Russian. Luckily though, my father is American.

"Your father wishes to take your pictures now since you are going to be busy the rest of the day, I presume." She said, the gap between her two front teeth showing when she smiled. She turned her attention towards Matty and Haven, who were talking quietly with each other. "Congradulations you two." She said to my friends, and then gently shook their hands and then pull me away over to my father.

My father was tall, with broad shoulders and always had slicked back brown hair. His brown eyes were hidden behind small glasses and his nose was hooked at the end. He wasn't the most attractive man in the world, and I was glad I had more of my mom's looks instead. But my dad was my hero, and I was lucky to have him.

My dad was standing under a tree to block the heat of the sun, and talking to a lady who was dressed in a red suit dress. As we got closer he turned his head slightly and a smile appeared across his face, his dimples indenting his cheeks. "Hello ladies," He said wrapping his arms around me. He smelled like lavender, like my mom's perfume, which had probably rubbed off on him.

"I'm so proud of yoy sweetie." He said and then rubbed my back.

"He was crying the whole time, before you on stage." My mom told me and I laughed. Of course he cried. My dad wasn't the manliest man, but he was intune with his emotions I guess. But it was awesome because when I was alone, my father would play dolls with me. As weird as it was, they're some of my fondest memories.

"Oh my gosh, dad." I say and I pull out of his arms and look at the red suited lady who was still standing there. I run a hand through my hair as my dad introduces thes stranger lady and I slip on the nicest smile I could manage. I cringe when I see her dark lip stick smudged on her teeth.

"This is Carol, she's going to help your mother and I fix up the house after you leave." My dad explained and I frown up at him.

"Erasing any trace of me?" I say jokingly and Carol chuckles along with my mom. "Already?"

"Don't be so suprised," my mom said, "Your father and I need an office and your room isn't needed. You can sleep in your brother or sister's room when you visit."

"Whatever." I say trying not to sound offended. My mom and dad continued to talk to Carol for a bit until Landon, Carol's son came by and they went to take their own pictures. My parents took my picture and then I met Haven outside the gate of the school, "Where's Matty?"

"He's bringing Anna to Whitey's with us."

"She's coming too?" I ask, and frown. Anna was Matty's girlfriend, and she wasn't very fond of Haven and I but it didn't matter. Haven and I would be nice no matter.

"Mhm, they're going to leave early too. So we can just hang out afterward." She smiles sweetly. "Yeah?"

"Sounds okay with me." I tell her. "Leggo!" I say and we basically run off to her car which is hidden in the crowd of other cars.

{First chapter! Please vote and leave some feedback we'd love to hear from ya'll}

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