As I step into the master bedroom I'm in awe and stop in my tracks. There is exposed brick here too and I can picture a king size bed against it. This room is far bigger than I thought it would be, the pictures did nothing to showcase its potential. I notice a small balcony, but as I turn to see the master bath I find James standing there just looking she isn't saying anything, here eyes bounce around trying to take it in. There is just an arch leading into the bathroom with a glass wall as a partition. To the right of the arch way is a huge walk in closet fitted with shelving no doubt she could fill with her shoes. Two rows to hang clothing and a massive mirror taking up most of the one wall. Directly across from the closet is the actual bathroom. A vanity and mirror bridge between the two with his and her sinks.

I step foot into the bathroom and stop in my tracks. The tub is definitely big enough for the two of us and it sinks into the floor giving it much more depth than an ordinary tub the shower is separated by a glass wall, no door just a walkway. I realize you can see the bedroom from one of the glass walls.

James stands taking it all in, I look at her and realize this is ours. I can see her in here taking a bath after a long day, and I want nothing more than to give this to her. She deserves all of this and I want this more than ever because she is in love with it.

"Oh Ely this is perfect, but in no way is this within what I can afford" she whispers taking a step towards me.

I pull my hands from my pockets and pull her into me, "it is actually because the utilities will be, it's built eco friendly so there is where it meets the money part" I say resting my head on the top of hers. In no way is she contributing to the rent or the utilities but that's is an argument we can have after we sign the lease. I knew she may buck me slightly but this was nothing like I expected.

James tilts her head up to mine, looking down in her beautiful green eyes I know she is truly happy with this place and with me. The love that glimmers in her eyes say it all.

"James this is our home, I know it is. Please say yes, please let's make this ours" I bring our lips together, tenderly but sealing this for us.

"Let's do it" she says pulling away and then pulling my head to her crashing our lips together. Without thinking I pull her up forcing her legs around my waist as I deepen the kiss completely forgetting about Jack in the other room.

A throat clearing breaks our kiss causing both of us to turn in the direction it is coming from.
"I'm going to take it that we need paperwork." Jack states gesturing to James in my arms. James slides her legs from around me so I can put her feet back on the ground I grin, "yes we need paperwork, how quick can you get them done?" I ask stepping to him with James' hand in mine.

"Lucky for you my friend, I already have it. I knew after you left the office this morning this was a one and done deal" he chuckles leading us the the bar in the kitchen were indeed there is paperwork.

"After the one year lease is up you will have an opportunity to purchase the condo. There will be yearly fees tacked on for the security offered, and parking privilege but in the end you'll pay less than owning a home. All city and county taxes are added into the fees." Jack says flipping the paperwork after we both sign on the dotted line. At the last page he points out that the section that requires insurance.

We have to carry insurance in order to obtain the lease, with a provision of flood insurance. Which is fine, no way would we not have insurance the windows look thick enough but Texas storms are no joke.

"What about the appliances?" I ask remembering the laundry closet and the brand new washer and dryer.
"Part of the deal" Jack holds out the keys.

With keys in hand we head back to the studio to pick up James' car, "I'm going to run back to my place and pick up clothes and then I'll meet you back at the apartment" I say before kissing her as she gets out of the car.

"Okay, I'll stop and grab something for dinner and maybe some boxes for my place." She is oozing excitement. I smile and wave as I pull away after she is in the car with the door shut.

Pulling up to my apartment with Emerson I jump out with a rush to get my stuff and back to James, hoping Emerson isn't home so that I can be in and out.

Telling him I'm moving out isn't going to be easy but hopefully once I tell him to keep the furniture it'll help. Neither me or James has a bed big enough to take so that is on my list to do tomorrow, find us a big ass bed. Most girls would die if they can't pick out the furniture for the apartment but not James, she's already told me to pick whatever I want since this is my apartment too.

Since she has most of the furniture for the living room I'm not worried but the pub table that seats two Is too small. Thank God dad gave me the rest of the week off before starting my new position, it was probably for me to get in some relaxation but I won't relax until we are moved in.

Pulling into James apartment I notice her car isn't in her spot. I park and call her from the car slightly worried.

"Hey I'm almost there" she says picking up after two rings, " I stopped and picked up some boxes, packing tape, and bubble wrap at the UHaul place down the road, and I just got pizza and beer for dinner" she says leaving no room for me to respond. I chuckle and tell her that is perfect. Getting out of the car and grabbing my bags I get a text from her with a kissing emoji. Smiling I make my way up to her door, dropping my stuff on the sectional I turn to meet her downstairs to help carrying in food or boxes.

I make it to her spot just as she pulls in and turns off the car. Smiling she jumps out, " Hey I was thinking... maybe we should just buy new dishes and stuff for the kitchen and I could give Whitney all of mine when she gets home. She has mix matched stuff and mine would give her a complete set." She informs me as handing over the boxes, packing tape, and bubble wrap.

"Sounds good we could go tomorrow after you get off, hows the schedule for tomorrow?" I ask juggling around the contents in my arms so that I can open the front door allowing her to head in first.

"Actually Jo ended up with a last minute appointment at the clinic to check her levels to see if they are improving. So I'm free all day" she says between bites of pizza. Not bothering with plates we eat from the box on the floor in the living room. "So I thought I'd pack some stuff tonight and then we can start the move tomorrow maybe add in some shopping." She adds causally.

I stopped chewing and just look at her as she goes through the mental list she no doubt started the moment the ink was dry on the paper of our lease.

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