Chapter 2

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The hot Greenleaf sun beat down on the camp, and Leafpool's four kits were playing in the small puddle in their camp. Moonkit had discovered a hidden talent for swimming and had learned to do so quite quickly. Heatherkit was happy with jumping and splashing in the shallows, watching the droplets of water catch the sunlight and glitter, like tiny stars. Redkit, despite being boastful about his swimming ability, just ended up flailing his limbs around and splashing the others instead. 

Reedkit just laid down in the shallow water, letting the waves wash over her and cool her fur. She was tired since she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep the night before. She had woken up to the sound of kits squabbling in the middle of the night, but there was no one nearby. 

Cloud padded into camp, a rabbit in his jaws, looking out of breath. His thick white fur was never useful in Greenleaf. He immediately sat down in the shade beneath the willow tree to cool down.

Violetwind entered the camp behind Cloud, carrying two mice and a bird. She was thin and wiry, with long legs and a long tail, built like a WindClan cat. She set down her catches on the prey-pile, then began to groom herself. 

Reedkit stood up and padded towards the prey-pile, her stomach growling. She grabbed a mouse from the pile and took a few bites, and then gave the mouse to Redkit. Redkit was sitting by the edge of the pool, refusing to go into the water, despite Heatherkit's requests. Redkit was clearly grateful for the distraction. 

Reedkit looked longingly towards her nest, wanting to take a nap and sleep until sundown. However, something else grabbed Reedkit's attention. 

A beautiful butterfly, with blue and green wings that shone in the sun, caused Reedkit to look up. Distracted, Reedkit followed the butterfly, which flew behind the willow tree and then out of camp. Disappointed, Reedkit sat down, deciding to get some sleep.

Reedkit's eyes widened in surprise. She was nose to nose with a see-through, barely visible cat, the size of a kit, its fur shimmering like it held a thousand stars. However, Reedkit couldn't make out any details. She blinked, and the cat disappeared. 

Was that a... was that a spirit cat?

Reedkit felt wide awake now, energized. She had to know more about what she had just seen, and she knew just the cat to talk to. Leafpool.

Reedkit spotted her mother, Leafpool, on the other side of the camp, sorting a pile of herbs, which Reedkit recognized as borage and marigold, and putting them into small clefts in the dirt beneath a root, in the hollowed-out space, partially beneath the willow tree, that had become the medicine den.

Leafpool had always taken the time to help Reedkit learn about herbs. She said it would be useful in the future. 


Leafpool looked down at her daughter, pausing her herb sorting for a moment. "What is it, Reedkit?" Leafpool asked, returning to her herbs. 

"What do StarClan cats look like?"

"Well, kits and apprentices stay as kits and apprentices in StarClan, and if the cat was old, sick, or injured, they appear in their strongest form, when they were a warrior or leader. Some cats still do bear scars though, especially if that scar was important to shaping their future. For example, Crookedstar, who was a RiverClan leader, still has a broken jaw in StarClan. StarClan cats are slightly see-through and fade over time. They look like there are stars caught in their fur."

"I saw a transparent starry cat today, so it could've been a StarClan cat, but I won't bother you with my life. I'll leave you in peace now, but thanks for your help!" Reedkit turned and padded away cheerfully. 

"Wait, what?" Leafpool's eyes widened. "And you aren't at all alarmed?"

"No, I hear them whispering sometimes."

"It's as if StarClan themselves has sent her," Leafpool mumbled.

"What?" Reedkit asked, having missed her mother's previous statement.

"Nothing, but I think I can help you learn about StarClan, and maybe learn to see and hear them better."

"Really? How?"

"I could train you as a medicine cat."

Reedkit shifted uncomfortably from paw to paw. I had my heart set on becoming a warrior, but I don't want to hurt Leafpool's feelings... She means well, but I can't accept the offer! I won't be happy that way. "I'm sorry, Leafpool, but I want to be a warrior."

"Oh. Alright, then," Leafpool meowed. She was trying and failing, to hide her disappointment. 

"I promise you, Leafpool, I will make time to visit you and learn about StarClan with you."

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy," Leafpool purred, giving Reedkit an affectionate lick. 

Reedkit meowed a goodbye to Leafpool, before padding away to her nest. She just wanted to get some sleep. Reedkit fell asleep listening for StarClan cats and trying to keep her eyes open.

Reedwhisper's Visions [The Sequel to Leafpool's Choice]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon