Healing Part 2

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Lance carried your body to the infirmary. While unconscious, he honored your wish and made sure you didn't go into a pod.

In your mindless state, you heard the sound of disembodied voices and the soft touch of a warm hand on yours. You felt this warmth before. It must have been Lance.

Is she gonna be okay?

She's extremely malnourished and has many chronic injuries that seem like they haven't been tended to in months. But over all, she should pull through.

For now I bandaged the superficial wounds, Alteans aren't too familiar with this 'fever' you speak of so, I'll leave it to you to make sure she gets healthy.

Yeah, of corse.

You open your eyes slightly, only to be faced with the bright light of the room. You see a blurry face in front of you. Brown hair, it had to be that Lance guy again. Don't worry, just get some rest. You're safe now.

Rest. Rest was a luxury you couldn't afford, but you were safe now. So you guess it was okay. A few hours won't hurt.


Lance watched as he saw your eyes close, finally able to rest and leave whatever heinous reality you went through.

He watched you day in and day out, or at least it would have been if space didn't look like the night hour all the time.

"Lance," The black paladin came into the infirmary, catching Lance off guard as he pushed his head up from his arms.

"Oh, hey Shiro."

"Lance you need to go get some rest.."

The Cuban teen sighed as he looked back at the unconscious girl before him. "It's been 2 days Shiro. What if she doesn't recover?"

"I'm sure she will. We've done everything we could. Her body has taken a large tole from being a Galra prisoner. I should know.. She just needs more time to heal."

"Yeah.. I guess."

The leader was going to leave but he knew Lance had something on his mind. He's been awfully attached to 'Mia', and not in the flirty way everyone thinks.

Shiro grabbed a stool and sat beside his team mate. "I can tell something's bothering you, and if you want to talk about it, I'm all ears."

"It's just," Lance sighed. "You didn't see her eyes Shiro, or at least.. not the way I saw them. She was scared, she's been alone for who knows how long. And to not be able to speak, to call for help or scream. I just-"

"You're worried about her.." Lance nodded solemnly. "Trust me, we all are. I hope she pulls through too, but waiting here until she wakes up will only drag you down. It won't do her any good if you start getting sick yourself."

Lance didn't say anything. He just looked at you with worry and guilt. Even though you were a stranger, he worried for you as if you were his own family.

Just when he took in Shiro's words to account, Pidge spoke aloud through the speaker system in the castle. "Guys come to the hanger, I have some information you might want to see."


"So I was finally able to finish uploading the scan of our mystery guest's DNA-"

"You can just call her Mia you know." Lance said sarcastically.

Pidge just took a minute to brush him off before continuing to type vigorously on her computer.

"Right, well I finished the scan for Mia's DNA and I found some pretty interesting things."

"What did you find?" Shiro asked.

"Well for starters, Mia's DNA matches to 3 different species; Galra, Human, and Altean."

"What?" Allura gasps. "Are you sure of this Pidge?"

"I'm positive. I mean, I didn't even have to run tests for us to clearly see that she's a hybrid. Galra fangs, Altean ears and marks, and her body structure looks over all human."

"But how can she be 3 divergent species at once?" Keith asked

The green one answered immediately knowing the answer, sort of. She just had theories so far. "Well it could have come from her parents, or maybe Haggar used her magic to manipulate her quintessence. Which leads me to another theory."

"Which is?"

"I think Haggar might have something to do with Mia's voice. I don't think she was born mute. Not with that scar on her neck. It's too precise to even be an accident."

"So your saying someone took her voice away? Is that even possible?" Lance asked, trying to make sense of the whole ordeal.

The princess sighs. "Theoretically it can be. With the way Haggar is using it, Altean alchemy has the ability to manipulate or take away quintessence. If that witch really did steal her voice, she must have blocked the channels of quintessential energy from her throat."

"So that means you can fix it, right?" Lance looked at her hopefully, he adored the princess and knows how powerful she can be. If anyone can fix their new friend, it was her.

"Well, it's a complicated spell. With some time, I might be able to figure something out."

"Then we better get started."

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