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| Amelia Wright - Sandra Bullock |————————————————————————

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| Amelia Wright - Sandra Bullock |

It had been a few days since I called the lawyer Chris had found for me and we were finally meeting with her today. Chris and I sat quietly in her office while she was with another client down the hall. About ten minutes later, a tall brunette walked in and sat at the desk in front of us.

"So sorry I'm late." She said, adjusting in her chair and offering us a smile. "I'm Amelia, but you probably already knew that."

Chris smiled and offered her a smile in return. "Chris Evans." He said and reached over, taking my hand in his. He always seemed to know when I needed his supporting touch.

"Kristi Hale.." I said, my smile not a big as theirs. "I don't mean to be rude or anything, I just... I can't lose my son, so please, please tell me that I've found the right lawyer. That you'll do everything you possibly can to make sure that I don't lose Lorenzo."

Amelia shook her head, "You're not being rude at all. But, before I can come up with a game plan, I need to know everything. Start from the very beginning of yours and..." She looks down at her notes before finishing. "Cosimo's relationship. And when I say everything, I mean everything. We can't afford for any hidden information that the other lawyers could dig up." And so, I tell her everything. Start to finish as she takes notes.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, this isn't going to be an easy fight. You willingly kept a child from his father, but I think we can make it work in our favor. Especially if you can give me more information on this..." She looks down at her notes for a moment, "Guiliano De Luca. You say he's this terrible person, but I need proof. Anything you can give me."
After the meeting with Amelia, Chris and I head back to his house. I'm silent the whole way, lost in my thoughts. There was a real chance I could lose my son. And there wasn't much that I could do about it. I hadn't noticed that we had arrived at Chris's until I felt his hand on top of mine, pulling me from my thoughts.

"We're home, honey." Chris said softly and I half smiled at him before we get out of his truck and head inside. "Why don't I go run you a bath? Lots of bubbles and candles and wine..." He pulled me into him, running his fingers through my hair. "How does that sound?"

I smiled up at him. "That actually sounds amazing. I'm just gonna text Ronnie and see if she and Lorenzo made it to Florida safely." I reach up and press a kiss to his lips before pulling myself out of his arms and he disappears upstairs.

Kristi 🌻🌷
How was the flight?
Good, we're almost to your dads now
Call me before bedtime so I can talk to my baby boy!
😂 yes ma'am!

After putting down my phone, I head up to Chris's bathroom and find him lighting candles. The whole bathroom was full of them and the tub was full of lavender smelling bubbles. My favorite. "I don't deserve you."

Chris smiled and lit one last candle before walking over to me, wrapping me up in his arms. "You deserve the world, baby girl. You're absolutely stunning, the best mother anyone could ask for and the love of my life." He said and I couldn't help the dorky grin that grew on my face.

"I love you, so, so much." I say and reach up, kissing him deeply.

"I love you." Chris says after pulling back from my lips. "Now, let's get you in the bath so you can relax." He kisses me one more time before taking a step back so he can lift my shirt up over my head. I pull my pants down and turn to test the water. Nice and hot. Perfect. As I unhook my bra, I can see him staring at me through the mirror. Smirking to myself, I let my bra fall to the floor and pull down my panties before turning back to him.

"Like what you see?" I ask as I look up at him, tracing a finger down his chest.

Chris let's out a groan, running a hand over his face as his nods. "Very much so." He says as he leans down, kissing me as his hands roaming my naked body. "Christ, woman. The things you do to me."

I giggle and smirk up at him. "Maybe later, I'll actually do some of those things to you." I say as I pull myself from his arms and step into the bathtub, easing my way into the hot water.

After my bath, I head downstairs and find Chris sitting on the couch, talking on his phone with a Chinese menu in his hand. Oh, yummy. I join him on the couch and turn on Netflix, searching until I stop on Snowpiercer. Chris hangs up the phone and looks over at me, a small smirk on his lips. "Seriously? We're really gonna watch one of my movies?"

I shrug and smile innocently over at him. "What? You're sexy in this movie. Brutal as fuck, but still sexy as hell."

Chris laughs and shakes his head, playing rolling his eyes. "If you say so." He says as he wraps an arm around me, pulling me into him. I gladly snuggle into his side and watch the movie in comfortable silence until the food arrives. Chris gets up and pays for the food before bringing it into the living room.

As soon as he opens the first box, my stomach lurches. I get up and run to the nearest bathroom, spilling my guts into the toilet. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" Chris asks as he bends down next to me.

I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet before turning to him. "Yeah, I'm okay. Must've had too much wine in my bath." We stand and head back to the living room. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth. I'm sure my breath is horrid. I'll be right back."

I head upstairs to Chris's bathroom and brush my teeth. I'm about to head back downstairs when I see a little pink box sitting on the counter. I tilt my head to the side, thinking, and pull out my phone, opening up the calendar. My jaw nearly hits the floor. There's no way. We were so careful. "CHRIS!!" I call out in a panicked voice before sitting on the toilet, my phone in one hand and a box of tampons in the other.

Chris comes running into the bathroom a few seconds later, his face full of worry. "What is it baby?" He asks as he kneels down in front of me.

I can't force myself to take my eyes off the items in my hands. "I'm late..." is all I can manage to squeak out.

Chris knits his eyebrows together in confusion, letting my words sink in. Once they do, his whole face lights up with a smile. "Baby... Baby, look at me, please." He cups my face in his hands and lifts my head up until my eyes meet his. "Kristi, this is the best news. Please don't be upset."

"But... I... The timing..." I shake him off me and stand, pacing the bathroom over and over again. "I'm fighting for my son, we've only been dating for five months and your ex might be having your baby. That's three kids, Chris. Three."

Chris grabs my hand and pulls me into him, both of us wrapping our arms around each other. "I know the timing is bad, but you've just made me the happiest man on this planet. In the whole universe even. I get to have a family with the most beautiful, most amazing woman in the galaxy." He says and places a kiss on the top of my head.

I look up at him, giving him a small smile. "I really, really don't deserve you..."

A/N so, unfortunately I won't have time to write both of my fics, so I'm just gonna stick with this one for the time being. So sorry to everyone that was looking forward to my Bucky story! Being an adult is hard work lol.

But I'm in love with this story and I can't wait for y'all to finish reading it! I'm not sure how many more chapters there will be. It'll be done by the weekend before I start my new job.

As always, lemme know what y'all think. Vote, comment, message... whatever! I'd REALLY love some reviews!!

XOXO Kristi

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