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**** slight drug use ahead. If you can call marijuana a drug 🤷🏻‍♀️ ****

It had been a few days since Cosimo had shown up at my door and I hadn't let Lorenzo out of my sight. Except for this morning. This morning, I was finally meeting with Cosimo to talk. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck. I even called Chris to come stay with Ronnie and Enzo while I was out. I was sitting at a table outside of Starbucks, twirling my straw in my cup when Cosimo walked up and sat across from me. "Hi..." Was all I was able to get out before he cut me off.

"Why? Why did you hide my son from me?" He asked plainly. Okay, straight to the point then.

"Because I was afraid. I was alone and afraid. After I found out you cheated on me for over a year, I was broken. Absolutely destroyed." I sigh and shake my head. "I didn't know when I left. Or even before we were divorced. I thought it was nerves and stress from the divorce making me sick. Until Danny joking said I was pregnant."

Cosimo sigh impatiently. "That doesn't answer my question, Kristi. You can't just keep my son from me because I cheated on you."

"It wasn't just you I was keeping him from, Cosimo. I was keeping him away from your father. When you started working for him, you changed. Slowly, but you changed. Became this whole different person. A person who could cheat on his wife who he supposedly loved." I pause, taking in a shaky breath. "I refuse to let your father anywhere near my son. I refused to let him warp my sons mind the way he did yours." I sit back and finish off my drink. "I did name him after you, though. He deserved to have you in his life in someway. Lorenzo Giovanni. He was born June 19th at 3:48pm. He weighed 9lbs 5oz and was absolutely perfect. He still is. He looks just like you..."

Cosimo sighed and shook his head. "That's still no excuse. I'm not my father. You know how long I've wanted a family..." I cut him off right there.

"A family? You had a family, Cosimo. You had me. Could've had Enzo this whole time. You're the one that fucked this up. Not me. Yes, I kept him from you. But it's partially your fault. I'm not the only one to blame here." I say and lean back in my chair before looking back up at him. I instantly regret my words.

"I've missed two years of his life. I'm not going to miss anymore. I've already spoken with a lawyer and I will be taking my son home with me. Far away from you." He said sharply before standing to leave. I follow suit and grab his arm before he can leave.

"Please, Cosimo. Don't do this. We can work this out ourselves. We don't have to involve lawyers." I plead.

"It's too late for that. I'm taking my son." He pulled his arm from my grasp. "You brought this on yourself." And with that, he was gone.

And he was right. I never should've hidden Lorenzo from Cosimo, but I thought I was doing the right thing. Guiliano, Cosimo's father, was the worst man I knew. I thought I was protecting my son from his grandfather. I always knew it would come back to bite me in the ass. I just hoped Enzo had been older and able to make up his own mind.
Chris's POV

I had been extremely nervous to let Kristi go meet Cosimo alone, but she had insisted that she would be fine, so I let her go and stayed behind to keep an eye on Enzo and Ronnie. Just in case Cosimo tried something while she was gone. About an hour and a half later, she returned, her eyes red and puffy from crying. I instantly rush over to her, wiping a stray tear off her cheek. "That bad?" I ask as I pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her in a tight, loving, reassuring hug.

"He's already talked to a lawyer. Probably one of the best in the country." She says and looks up at me, fresh tears threatening to break free. "There's no way I'm going to let him take my son from me. Enzo doesn't even know him. No judge would ever give a kid to some stranger. Even if that stranger is his father... right?"

"Of course, doll. The night Cosimo showed up, I made a few calls and got the name of the best family lawyer in the state. Her name is Amelia Wright. All you have to do is call and I'll take care of the rest." I say and press a kiss to her forehead.

Kristi smiles up at me. "Thank you." She says before reaching up on her toes to press a kiss to my lips. "I love you."

"And I love you." I reply and kiss her again before we head to the living room where Ronnie and Enzo are playing.

"Hey Ronnie, do you think your mom would be up for watching Enzo tonight? I desperately need to call Damien." Kristi says as she plops down on the couch.

Ronnie instantly perks up. "Oh yeah. Most definitely. I'll be back." She says and practically skips down the hallway, causing Kristi to laugh.

I join Kristi on the couch, pulling her legs over so they were draped across my lap. "Care to explain?" I ask as I pull her shoes off, massaging one of her feet.

"Damien is my... Our dealer. He grows bud that's way better than any you can find in a dispensary." She says as she flexes her foot in my hands. "I don't smoke very often anymore. Not since having Lorenzo. But I still dabble every now and then. You know the door upstairs that's always locked?" She asks and I nod, switching over to massage her left foot. "It leads up to the attic where me and Ronnie smoke. It's far enough away that Enzo can't smell it."

I shake my head and look over at her, a smile playing on my lips. "Are you ever not going to surprise me?" I say and pull her onto my lap, kissing her deeply.
Kristi's POV

Later that night, after dropping Enzo off with Ronnie's mom, I head over to Damien's to pick up the bud before returning home. After eating dinner, the three of us head up stairs, me and Chris sitting on the couch and Ronnie across from us on recliner, passing the bong between us. "God, I needed this." I say before bringing the lighter up to the bowl. I pull on the bong until my lung are full, pull the bowl out and inhale all the smoke out of the bong. I hold it in for a moment before exhaling and pass the bong the Chris.

Ronnie giggles. She was the bubbly type when she was high. "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever smoke with me again. You haven't since you met Chris. Damien was beginning to think you'd abandoned him."

I laugh and look over at Chris. "I wasn't sure how you would react.." I say and smile as he hits the bong before passing it to Ronnie. "Guess I shouldn't have worried too much."

Chris smiles and pulls me closer to him, I snuggle into his side. Feeling at home. "It helps with my anxiety." He confesses as he absentmindedly caresses my thigh with his fingers. "You're absolutely perfect.." he whispers to me, causing me to blush.

"You're the perfect one." I reply and stretch up to place a kiss to his lips before hearing gagging noises coming from Ronnie.

"Y'all are disgustingly cute." She said with a genuine smile, causing us all too laugh.
A/N I feel like this chapter sucks, but meh. I'm almost done with it! A few more chapters and an epilogue is planned. I've taken a tiny break on writing this one to get my Bucky fic up and running. But don't worry! I'll still post a chapter every day. Whether it be a chapter in this story or the Bucky one!

As always, please tell me what you think. Vote, comment, message me... just lemme know what y'all think!!

XOXO Kristi 🖤🖤🖤

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