chapter 4

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Authors note-Stephen James as Ryder Jones. this is just how I imagine him to look like.^

Ryder Jones

I awoke from the sun's brightness. I looked towards my left and there was a naked blonde-haired girl. She was tucked into my side with her legs over mine. Her arm was squeezing my arm between her boobs. I cringed from disgust. I slowly removed myself from the bed and walked towards my bathroom. I turned on my shower and got out my towel. I waited a few seconds for the water to get warm before I stepped into it. I felt myself start to relax. After I finished my shower I grabbed my towel and dried off. I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw black hair puff out in every direction, I also saw my blue eyes looking back at me. I had a black lip and a black eyebrow piercing. My body wasn't too bad, I had a six-pack and toned muscles I was also 6'1. On my arms were a bunch of tattoos. I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed through my hair, after that, I brushed my teeth.

A couple minutes later I walked out of my bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist. I looked at my bed and I saw the naked girl biting her lip and touching herself" hey hot stuff how about another round," she said flirtatiously

"No, I have pack meetings soon. And last night was a mistake, we both know that. We are not mates, it was wrong for me to do that when I have a mate out there waiting for me.'I said in my monotone voice as I pulled out some skinny jeans and boxers to put on. I heard her get out of my bed and walk towards me. I felt her boobs being pressed against my back." come on Ryder we both know we are meant for each other, I don't care if you aren't my mate we can still be together," she replied before placing kisses on my back. I felt her arms wrap around my waist. I sighed and moved her arms off of me. I finished putting on my black tee-shirt and socks before meeting her gaze. "I am sorry, last night I was a little drunk and I made a mistake. You seem like a nice person, so don't be this way." I said trying to sound nice.

" but-" she started but I cut her off.

" No, now leave," I said. I saw her pout her lips before turning around walking towards the bed. She slipped on her bra and panties. She clutched her clothes in her other hand as she put her high heels on. Her bleached hair crowing her face as she did so. I turned around, to give her some privacy. Once I heard her clear her throat I turned around and saw that she was wearing the mini dress she had on last night.

" goodbye Jessica Rivers," I said as I held the door open for her. She walked towards the door but before leaving she reached up and kissed me on the lips.

" if you change your mind about wanting to have a mate call me," she breathed into my ear before slipping out the door. I heard some pack members whistle at her as I closed the door. I signed. Jessica rivers was the pack slut. She was the basic barbie doll, big boobs, small waist, wears pink and too short clothes. She has basically slept with everyone in my pack. After I changed I used my mind link and asked one of my maids to clean my room while I was gone. It was currently 6:20 in the morning. It was almost time for my run and meeting. So I quickly closed my door and walked down the hallway. As I was walking past the doors I heard moaning, further Ahead from me. Curiosity got the best of me and I went to check it out. What I saw didn't surprise me. I saw Jessica rivers pressed up against the wall with A random guy kissing her hard and grinding against her. I scrunched up my face in disgust before I made my way back towards the staircase.

See told you, she's a slut.

A few minutes later I arrived in the kitchen and was immediately greeted by some of my pack members and chiefs. I walked through the kitchen and made my way towards the fridge. I opened it and took out an apple. Once I finished I threw the garbage out and exited my packhouse.

I walked in the woods and looked for a tree to hide my clothes in. once I found a tree I started to stip. I was bare a few seconds later, I shifted into my wolf form. I felt my body change and reshape itself. I had a mixture of grey and black fur. I was an alpha, so naturally, my form was bigger than any other werewolf. My mother was part of another back called the light of tears. She met her mate which was my dad. Since he was the alpha she had to switch packs. After my father and her mated, they had me. Anyway, when my mother and my father's pack was visiting her family in the light of tears, it was the alpha's stepping up ceremony, while everyone was in the center of the village, rogues attacked. Everyone in the village was mauled apart. Including my mother, my father somehow escaped with me on his back. My father tried his best to be a father, but I knew it was hard for him. It would be hard for anyone, losing the only mate the moon goddess gave you was hard. After about a year my father couldn't handle it anymore so he took a gun that had silver bullets and committed suicide. I was an orphan until the blood moon pack saw me wandering in the woods by myself, the luna took me in. she was the nicest woman I have ever met. She was very beautiful too. Bright green eyes, brown flowing hair and a gorgeous smile that can make even the coldest people smile back. And her mate, he was the total opposite of her. He had dark eyes, dark black hair and he wore an emotionless mask. But when I came around, he lighten up at least that is what my pack told me. Fast forward a few years and here I am the alpha of that pack. I contacted my wolf to let him know he can take control. He happily complied and began running. I rolled my eyes at him.

I am a very rare breed of werewolf because my mother was a white wolf which meant that one of her pups would have a symbol of a wolf howling towards the moon. I am that pup so I have that tattoo on my hip both in human and werewolf form. My father's pack had Sharingan. Which meant that when their wolf is in control their eyes bleed into a dark red. I obviously, inherited that. My wolf was happy to finally run again. Wolves have to be careful, there are hunters in these woods. these hunters know about werewolves so they use silver bullets. It's very dangerous. So it's my job to make sure no-one in my pack dies, from hunters. If that happens, the werewolves who were related to the victim have the right to leave. I don't want that to happen so every morning I take a run and search for any signs of hunters. If I don't see anyone by 7:40, I mindlink my pack and let them know that no hunters are in these areas. Also when you are an alpha, you need a luna. A luna is the soul mate. Or in other words, the alpha's right-hand women. The luna's job is to make sure everyone in the pack is healthy, safe, and happy. It's her responsibility to fix any issues that make people unhappy and to know everyone well. Alphas' need their lunas. They balance each other out.

While I let ash take the lead, ash is my wolf. I started to smell something good. Not just good but mouth-watering good. The scent had a sweet aroma, it smelled like flowers and fresh mint leaves.

Mate. ash said as he started to take off in the direction the scent was coming from. I didn't try to stop him, I wanted to follow the scent as well. A few minutes later we stopped in front of a bush and saw a figure sitting under a tree. We saw her scan the area but stopped once she found our eyes. She slowly got up and put her hands up. She moved closer to the bush. My wolf let out a warning growl.

" Hey it's okay I am not here to hurt you," we heard her say. Her voice was beautiful and instantly we wanted to hear it all day. Her voice was like honey, it was so sweet and soft. We saw her get on her knees. And instantly we shut up. No human has ever done that to us before it was weird and somehow made us feel dominate.

We slowly approached her and sniffed her head. This was our mate. She was ours. My wolf and I agreed. She slowly tilted her head up. Her eyes held sadness and hurt in them. When she met ours she shyly looked down at the floor. That made ash and I smirk. We moved closer and started sniffing her neck. We were addicted to her scent. We watched as she shivered. That motion only made me smirk more. I felt my eyes start to fade back into my blue eye color. I felt my wolf give back control as he laid down in the dark void in my mind.

Lifting my head to see her eyes meet mine a third time. But this time she didn't look away. She looked like she wanted to say something but was interrupted by a loud voice.


I can't let him see me. I thought to myself as I looked back at my mate one final time.

So wynter is my little mates' name. How cute. Wynter prepare yourself. You will be mine. I thought to myself as I sneaked in the direction of my house.

The big bad wolf loves me(old)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt