07 I like you

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 Taehyung's p.o.v

I reached them shortly before they crossed the division into Mom's presumptuous garden. Jungkook spoke softly, but in such a quick way that it prevented Jimin from replicating. Park Jimin was our piano teacher for a year. And just like that we had the different last name our condition was different too.

Dad used to refer to him disparagingly as "that little professor", referring to his humble origin as well as his short height.

"Jimin hyung." I called him then, putting an end to the monologue of Jungkook. The two turned their faces towards me.


And Jimin came towards me, frowning, looking me up and down. We weren't wrong, he had recognized me. It was logical, he was no idiot and he had also spent a lot of time with Yoonji and me to learn to differentiate ourselves.

"-What are you doing here?"

I wanted to know, nervous and ashamed. I admired Jimin and it was nothing nice to look at me in such humiliating conditions. "Dad asked him to come." Jungkook answered for him.

"Yes," Jimin agreed, "he asked me to play some pieces for the wedding."

"He said you would do it with me, so I came to rehearse."

Hearing that I frowned. Wow, Dad hadn't told me anything about that.

"For now that is impossible," Jungkook spoke again. "Taehyung is not here."

"But I'm seeing him here."

"That's what I tried to explain to you," my brother bubbled, exasperated. "He is now Yoonji and if you open your mouth you will get us into trouble."

"But where is Yoonji?"

Jungkook and I looked at each other, in the end it was I who replied: "She ran away. She did not want this marriage."

"They were going to force her to marry?"

Jimin asked and I looked down, clenching my fists tightly. Of course they forced her; and my way too.

"For money," Jungkook replied, "only for the Kim's money."

Jimin looked at us with his mouth wide open, as if he didn't quite believe it. "Are you telling me that this Kim Seokjin wants to buy Yoonji?"

Both Jungkook and I nodded. Although Seokjin was not a person as horrible as I would have thought but that was just what he had done actually, buying my sister.

"But, Tae why you ...?"

I sighed and closed my eyes."Because someone had to take her place."

And I felt that I was breaking again. Jimin hugged me, taking me in his arms and shaking me tightly. I corresponded, eager for some comfort. I didn't want to be apart from that comfort so soon but a gentle tap on my shoulder made us separate and turn our faces.

Seokjin was watching us with a raised eyebrow. Otherwise his expression was indecipherable. I had a turn in my heart. He hadn't heard our conversation, had he?

"Sorry to interrupt, but dinner is ready," he said and smiled at me, though I noticed something different about this.

"Yoonji, your mother asked me to tell you to hurry up. And you too, Jungkook."

My older brother and I looked at each other. That he called me "Yoonji" indicated that he had not heard anything important after all, at least not that part which was important to me.


I murmured and then Jimin approached Seokjin with a smile. "Hello, my name is Park Jimin, I'm the piano teacher of Taehyung and Yoonji."

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