
56 1 0

"Commence Program D.A.V. (E.)"

"Starting Program D.A.V. (E.)"

The lab was silent with anticipation, save for the beeping of the heart rate monitor and the sphygmomanomator. They had been working on this project for nineteen whole years- from the collecting of the paperwork of the body and getting the body itself, to the numerous budget plans and equation revisions and actual building of the microchip- and goddamn if they weren't feeling nervous, excited, or a mix of both. This project was very important to them. And although it was only an experiment, it would determine the future of their careers. If the experiment were to be lost for some reason- burned, damaged, destroyed, altered- if anything were to happen to it, the person responsible would have to pay, and the price is surely not pretty.

"Program Data Analyzing Vessel (Experiment) start successful."

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