👁️ Chapter 24👁️

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Only a few minutes later they heard someone coming towards the house. Sunny opened her eyes as everyone got up and went outside to see Hector walking towards them with a concerned look.

"Is everything ok?" Jacques asked him. Hector went to answer when he looked confusingly at Quigley and then at Inky.

"Oh Hector, this is Quigley Quagmire and Inky." Violet introduced.

"I thought Quigley died."

"We were wrong." Duncan informed smiling.

"What were you going to say?" Klaus asked intrigued.

"Oh yes." Hector said clearly flustered"Olaf and Esmé have caught someone, they are saying he is an accomplice." Olivia and Jacques looked at each other and soon decided to go and see what was happening.

They all set off with the exception of Inky who stayed in the barn. They had tried to convince Quigley to stay as well but he refused to leave his siblings. They walked as quickly as they could to the village center, Sunny still half asleep in Olivia's arms. When they arrived, they saw a large crowd forming near the fountain, they weaved through the crowd to the front, with the exception of Hector who was to afraid to go to the front. They saw Olaf and Esmé both in thier ridiculous disguises along with someone Jacques and the children had never seen before. He had short blonde hair that was rather messy with chocolate brown eyes that reminded Jacques of Olivia's eyes and was medium height, even though he was an adult he still had a rather child like appearance. Olivia took one look at the hostage and was shocked, her breath caught in her throat as tears welled up in her eyes. Jacques took one look at her and could tell there was something wrong.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"It's Nathan." She replied, her voice no more than a squeak.

"Your brother Nathan?!" He asked. Olivia only nodded as a single tear fell down her face. She was to shocked to speak.

the vile village: how it should have beenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon