👁️ Chapter 10👁️

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"Here, eat this." Olivia said handing a bowl of curry to each triplet. They thanked her and greadily ate the food.

"Thank you." Isadora said as she finished her bowl of curry.

" Yeah it was really nice." Duncan added in. "Did you make it?"

"I did but Sunny helped a lot." Olivia responded. "She's quite the little chef." Violet and Klaus looked proudly at their sister upon hearing this.

"Well if everyone is finished eating I think we should all try and get some rest." Jacques stated.

"I'll look for some blankets." Olivia said getting up from her spot besides Jacques.

A few minutes later Olivia came back with some blankets and camping mattresses.

"Quagmires, you can sleep on the sofas." Violet said.

"Are you sure?"Duncan asked.

"Yes"Sunny cried.

"We will be fine on camping mattresses, you have had to spend days in a cage and fountain because of us." Klaus added.

"Thank you." Isadora replied shyly. The children got up and walked with some of the supplies towards the sofas leaving Jacques and Olivia alone again.

"Are you feeling ok?"Olivia asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Jacques said. "Are you ok?"

"I'm sorry?" Olivia was taken aback buy the question Jacques had just asked her. She had been in that austere academy for so long with that horrible vice principal, that she was used to people seeing her as nothing more than someone they had to put up with or who was in the way.

"I said are you ok." Jacques repeated."You look cold." Olivia sat down still in shock.

"Yeah I guess I am a little cold."

"Here." He said putting a blanket around Olivia's shoulders. Olivia thanked him with a shy smile and they began to quietly talk again.

The children had already fallen asleep, feeling a little more at ease knowing thier friends were now safe.

"It seems the children were tired." Jacques stated. There was no reply from Olivia, Jacques looked down to find her asleep with her head resting on his shoulder. Jacques smiled and put his arm around Olivia before falling asleep too, his head resting on hers.

Sorry, this is shorter again but thanks for reading anyway.

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