👁️Chapter 5👁️

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Olivia quickly turned her head to see the three Baudelaires.

"Children!" Olivia cried.

"It is you." Klaus said smiling.

"Louw"  said Sunny.

" I'm sorry Sunny, but I don't quite understand what you mean." Olivia announced apologetically

"She said library." Violet explained beaming. Olivia let out a small chuckle before telling sunny that she was happy with that name.

"What happened?" Klaus asked turning to Jacques.

" It's a long story," Jacques replied "I'll explain later."

"Well is there anything we can do to help?" Violet asked.Olivia thought for a second. She knew they had to move somewhere else before Olaf came back but she also knew that they would only be able to move Jacques so far before he would pass out from blood loss. She thought about everything her parents had taught her before they died and what they had written in the book. The book.
"Klaus, do you see the taxi outside?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"In the trunk there as a navy blue bag. Could you go and get it for me?"

"Of course."

"And Violet, could you go and check if it would be safe to hide upstairs."


"Me?" Sunny asked.

"I need you to go with Klaus." Violet replied to her sister, "if anyone comes up to you I need you to defend Klaus."

"Roger." Sunny said as she set off with her brother and Violet disappeared up the stairs. A few seconds later Violet came back down and explained that there was nothing but storage so it should be safe to stay there.

"That's good." Olivia said as Klaus came back with the bag. Violet quickly explained the plan to her siblings and decided that once they were up there they would block the entrance with the objects up there.

"Right," Olivia began, "children you head up and we will be there in a second." The children nodded and headed up the stairs as Olivia turned to Jacques.

"We just need to get up the stairs and then we will be safe, okay."

"Okay." He replied as Olivia put his arm over her shoulder.

"On three," she said "one. Two. Three." They slowly stood up and started making there way up the stairs. Olivia could see Jacques getting paler with every step untill they reached the top. She quickly set Jacques down and got him to put his head between his legs as she sat down exhausted

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