👁️ Chapter 13👁️

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Everyone carefully got out from the hiding place, Olivia headed straight for the window.

"What are we going to do?" Isadora asked quietly.

"Well we can't go out the doors." Olivia stated, "they are right at the entrance."

" The ladder is still attached to the window." Violet added.

"We might not have enough time for everyone to get down." Klaus cried.

"Nolath" Sunny added which ment something like we don't have any other plan.

"Sunny is right." Duncan chimmed in. Everyone was quiet for a minute.

"Okay, you children go first." Jacques concluded. Klaus went first, followed by Isadora then Duncan and Violet behind him. Jacques picked Sunny up and turned to Olivia.

"You first," he said.

"No you have Sunny, plus you're still injured." Olivia retaliated. Jacques went to object but Olivia cut him off.

"I'll be right behind you." Jacques sighed.

"Okay, but be careful." He said before kissing her forehead.

"I will." Jacques began to climb carefully down the ladder with Sunny in one arm. They were almost at the bottom when the ladder snapped. Jacques hit the ground with thud, luckily he had managed to protect Sunny.

"Are you okay?!?!" Olivia cried.

"I'm fine." Jacques replied getting up. "how are you going to get down?"

"I'll find a way."  Olivia began to examine her surroundings, there had to be something she could use. She thought back to the games she used to play with her brother when they were little. She ran back to the window and examined the wall outside, before beginning to climb out. They suddenly heard yelling from below.

"Burn them!" The people yelled.

"That's right." Olaf yelled in his ridiculous accent. Olivia took a deep breath. "come on" she told herself, "it's just like a climbing wall." With that thought she began to climb down the wall, with her bag over her shoulder.

"We know you're up there!" Esmé yelled in her fake accent. Olivia continued to descend she could feel her foot slipping. She looked down and then jumped back, landing with both feet on the ground. The children looked at her with a great amount of suprise on thier faces.

"That was incredible." Jacques said gazing at Olivia in a way that made her blush.

"Where did you learn that?"

"I'll explain later, let's go."

I know it's short again but thanks for reading anyway.

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