Chapter Nineteen

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Here's another update. I was so inspired last time I uploaded, that I started writing again right away. I absolutely LOOOOVE this chapter.

Hope you enjoy too :)

Don't forget to vote and comment!


Rosie's POV

" I won!" George screamed excitedly as he flew up from his spot on the sofa, throwing punches into the air in victory.

" Sit your ass down mate. You didn't win shit," Matty contradicted, throwing the PlayStation controller down on the sofa beside him with a thump.

" What do you mean, I didn't win? I did!" George defended, almost looking hurt by Matty's accusations.

" No, you cheated," Matty continued, looking around for potential witnesses to support his claims.

" He's right. You did cheat George," Hann agreed, making Matty fly up from his seat with a mocking "Ha!" and a finger pointed out towards George.

" You'll win the next time," Hann added towards George, receiving a dirty look from the giant.

" Yeah, like the 4th of Neveruary," Matty mocked, doing a victory lab of dancing around the table before crashing down beside me.

George had probably realised that he had no chance at winning the conversation, cause after rolling his eyes at Matty's pretentiousness, he leaned back in his seat, breathing out, " Bollocks," as he dropped the controller onto the table.

The boys would be leaving for the airport to continue their tour late noon, and they were using their last moments of the calm before the storm to just relax, play video games and just do whatever they pleased, before having to go. They didn't know when they would get the opportunity to do as they wanted anytime in the nearest future, so they cherished every last second of during non-music, non-touring related things in the apartment in London.

After the show in Manchester last night we had gone directly back to London, from where they would continue their journey to somewhere in Central Europe.

Yesterday in Manchester had been rather turbulent. My parents had lost faith in me, and their visions of my perfect behaviour had been shattered into a million pieces. They hated Matty even more, now that he had rubbed his terrible behaviour onto me, and I had had a disagreement with George, which we had both felt sorry for and forgotten.

I couldn't help but smile as my eyes rested on each of the boys. They had grown to be really important to me in each of their own ways.

Ross with his endless calmness and his hysterical jokes.

Adam with his enteral ability to always think positive of everything and everyone and always give them the benefit of the doubt. Also, he always managed to make me in a good mood whenever George and Matty were being a pain. Not to mention that he was the only reason the band was working out. If he wasn't there, everybody wouldn't know who they were, where they were going or what they were doing.

George was family and my best friend. We always wanted what was best for each other and I knew we would always have each other's back. Always.

And Matty, oh Matty. His spirit and creative, abstract but yet very beautiful mind, would never make sense to me but that was also the reason for my love. He always saw every aspect of life in every way possible, and he always chose his own unique solution to everything, and I loved him for it. His ways forced me to act on my own impulses and create ideas which I absolutely loved him for. He didn't limit me, just as he would hate it if I limited him. I didn't contradict his sometimes stupid impulses, and he didn't interfere with mine. I had tried to regulate his addiction but not by forcing him, but through support, and he had grown to be happier by bringing out his true self instead of clouding his wonderful twisted mind with drugs and alcohol. Not that he was clean, but he was trying and when he once in awhile misstepped, then I loved him just the same.

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