Chapter Sixteen

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I graduated last week and that is the reason this update took for ever to finish. I've been a mixture of tipsy and hungover every time I've written but I hope it is decent. 

This chapter is dedicated to @arixellemarie because of the absolutely heartwarming and motivating comments you left on my work last week. It was truly inspiring. Love you x. Hope you enjoy.


Rosie's POV

Green eyes reflected back at me as I stood in front of the mirror in my room, only dressed in my underwear. Matty had left a note, that he and the rest of the guys had gone to a meeting about the album. I smiled and swayed to the familiar tune of "sex" that apparently had made it onto the demo of their album, I had gotten last night.

I ran my hand across the small purple-ish marks that were delicately but generously spread across the skin of my neck. I could still feel the electrical, tingling sensation of Matty's hands on my body, his breath in my ear, his lips on mine. The feeling of his love.

Even though his smell and touch still lingered on my skin, I was still missing him and yearning for him with every inch of my body. I loved him. Simple as that.

I shook my head, trying to shake myself out of my little Matty-bubble and tugged on a black, fitted turtleneck and a pair of mum jeans. The snow was still laying on the ground like a thick, cuddly duvet and I shivered just by the thought of stepping outside of the flat. It had been a long time since I had had a day without the company of my four flatmates, and I reached for my phone in the hopes of preserving the relationship with my best friend.

" Hey Alex. You up for some ice-skating and hot chocolate? <3 "

I didn't even get to put my phone down before it beeped, signalling that my best friend had replied.

" Morning R. Sure thing. I do sick pirouettes.<3 "

" If you say so. I'll pick you up in ten x "

I tugged my phone into my back pocket and put on my boots and a thick jacket before making my way to the front door. I patted down the front of George's jacket, snatching his car keys from his pocket before walking out to his sorry excuse of a car. It probably wasn't safe to drive, but it was the only thing available. Plus it had winter tires, which turned out to be a good thing because the small streets to Alex's place hadn't been cleared properly.


Much to my surprise, Alex wasn't kidding when he had said he was good at ice skating, and I had made a complete fool out of myself multiple times by falling on my arse, resulting in Alex having to pick me up repeatedly.

" I swear my bum is aching," I whined, rubbing my lower back as I reached down to untie the laces on the skates after our 30-minute skating session.

Alex laughed and stood from his spot beside me, skates in one hand as he reached out his free hand to help me up. I grabbed it, still a little wobbly after my feet had been cramped up on those blades of death. I swear, I was lucky my skull hadn't been cut open by the number of times it nearly had hit the ice.

" That's because you are so incredibly clumsy. I swear, I think your butt was more in contact with the ice than your actual skates were," he laughed, tugging his woollen beanie down to cover his ears.

It was rather cold and late noon, and we quickly turned in the skates we had rented before entering the small café that was beside the ice rink. We were quickly assigned a table, and Alex being the Instagram addict he was, demanded that we took a picture together before I was allowed to touch my hot chocolate. And so, he asked the waiter to take pictures of us. One with his arms wrapped around me, the other where I had wiped whipped cream on his nose, resulting in him being cross-eyed.

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