➳ 1st Chapter

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Waking up used to be the hardest thing for me in a daily basis. The idea of leaving the warm comfort and the safety of my bed used to be the worst idea ever. Why would someone want to leave their bed? Why would someone be happy to wake up knowing they had a full day of work ahead of them?

Now waking up is the easiest thing I can think of. Falling asleep is hard, but waking up... waking up is something I can do with ease, even when I wish I could be in a deep slumber for the rest of eternity my body awakes knowing what it has to do.

Every morning is the same for years. I wake up, shower with all the girls, eat breakfast, go to the morning classes, lunch, work until I almost bleed to death, dinner and then sleep; and repeat. An endless cycle no one can break inside this facility.

I never had the need to explain what happened to me because everyone here shares the same story. We've all been through the same traumas and under the eyes of the Workers. We understand each other in some dark way.

"I can't wait to see the boys training today" I heard a muffled voice as I opened my eyes adjusting my eyes to the bright lights of our dormitory room "They're going to train with us right?"

She knew I was awake. She always knows when I'm awake and that time is normally when I'm most irritated and pissed with everyone so she should know better than to ask me about boys first thing in the morning.

"I don't know and I don't fucking care"

"Don't swear Ana!" She tossed me her pillow and sat next to my face bringing her slim hands to my hair trying to untangle some locks "And I know you know. You talk to them all the time"

Bree always wanted to know about the boys, she just had to ask me everyday whether they were practicing or not with us. Sometimes I find her really annoying but with all honesty she's one of the only girls I truly enjoy spending time with. If I thought as the innocent 11 year old I was back then that some girls could be mean I definitely had no idea of what my fellow girlfriend's could be capable of. Some of these girls could rip my guts with their fingernails just because a boy called me pretty and not them.

"Let's take a shower" I stoop up from my not so comfy bed trying to pull the white sheets and making it look half decent so the Trainers wouldn't get up in my arse about it. We went to our lockers located inside the bathroom and got our towels out. The only thing our lockers contained was the towels, some flip flops and that was it. We would place our sleeping clothe, which was just some t-shirt and pyjama trousers, inside the locker and the Trainers or the Workers would replace them with cleaned ones for the night time.

We headed now towards the showers where the water was now running as if it was expecting us to be there at that time. The Workers know what they're doing most of the time. Since we were almost the first girls waking up our water was warm which was a blessing considering how many times as a kid I had to shower with water that was so cold I believed to be made of ice; this thought made sense when I was 11 so I don't go around telling people this.

"I don't know why but I feel that today it might be different, you know?" She said in a muffled sound which I assumed was caused by some shampoo that found it's way into her mouth or something. She always had to wash her hair in the morning which I considered a dumb ideia giving the fact she was going to sweat like a pig in a sauna the following hours.

"It's all the same Bree. The only thing that changes is the data"

She took a deep breath knowing that I was right. I stepped out of the shower covering my now naked and wet body with the white towel leaving her alone as she tried to shower quickly.


We don't really have a choice in what to wear everyday. Our clothes are placed under our beds at night when we're all asleep and it's all the same, our uniform. I think it's funny that we dress in all black in a covered in white facility, it just kinda ruins it for me visually.

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