➳ 8th Chapter

37 3 2


so yeah Dylan O'Brien plays Dylan Archer :D


The facility has been filled with chaos for 2 days now. People were slowly realizing what they've heard about the canceling of the trials could be true, they were finally acknowledging that possibility and that drove them nuts.

Trainers tried to control them as best as they could but nothing could stop their wrath. We haven't seen Captain S. or even heard about him since we found out he was injured during the attach. For all that we know he could be dead leaving us without a solid leader, and these are the times where I can honestly say that we need a leader. We need Captain S. back.

The cafeteria was filled with Fighters talking, some even screaming. The noise was deafening making my head ache. And in that moment I just wished Captain would come in the giant room and tell them all to shut the fuck up and go back to training.

I could understand that after an attack like that things would be messed up, especially since some of us now had to share a room and even a bed.

Ashton has been at the bridge of having a panic attack with all the work he has to do now. His father is making him work even harder than before. Trainers really were losing their hand over some of us and if that wasn't bad enough the Workers hadn't made an announcement in these 2 days.

I couldn't stop bouncing my leg up and down as I looked around the room watching everyone. Some made eye contact with me for some seconds. Most of them didn't even notice my presence. My thoughts were however interrupted when a hand fell on top of my bouncing leg.

"Calm down" Michael took a seat next to me " You need to calm down Ana"

"This is all so fucked up Mikey" I took a deep breath and looked in his eyes.

"This as always been fucked up, now it's just worse" Bree was walking towards us with Calum and Luke next to her. They all looked tired like the rest of us. It was hard to sleep when you had chaotic roommates screaming in the middle of the night and making all kinds of noises.

They all sat next to us and for the first time I got to look at their tired expressions. I've never seen the boys so tired and that worried me. They were always the ones who tried to cheer us up and now we had no one to bring us back up.

"hey" I looked to my left to see Luke looking at me "you okay?"

"I think none of us is okay" he just nodded.

"They should have said something by now" Bree whispered "the workers should've made an announcement"

And as if on queue the mechanic voice spoke out loud.

"Attention all Fighters. We bring you the so awaited news about your Captain. He is now resting as he's soon to be back on his feet. We would like you all to keep the peace and not riot. We cannot give you information on the trials. We would also like to announce a new Trainer in training. Fighter #082691 Archer, Dylan. Keep it up"

People screamed. Some happy and some mad.

Captain seemed to be good, which was good 'cuz we really need him to control this shit hole. But the trials were still something people were expecting to have news on and they didn't have it, and when you contradict the people they will riot.

"Dylan Archer?" I turned my face from the rioting figures and tried to think of ways to block some of the noise and looked at Bree " Do any of you know him?"

I looked around and saw almost everyone shaking their heads in a way to say 'no' but I stopped on Calum who seemed deep in thought.

"You know him?" I asked

"I swear I've heard his name before but who knows there are a lot of people inside this place" he shrugged his shoulders and then looked at the middle of the cafeteria and his face dropped "yeah I take it back. We all know him"

We all looked to where he was looking and soon enough we realized the reason his face dropped. Dylan Archer was being lifted from the ground by some of what I assumed were his friends while they were praising him like he was some kind of a god.

As I stared at his face I remembered he was the prankster, the one people loved to talk about. He was the sarcastic one in classes always trying to make everything better and less dull. And now he's going to be a Trainer, I guess there's hope for everyone now when it comes to becoming a Trainer.

"Fucking Dylan" I heard Michael growl "How come he's a Trainer? He doesn't do shit! All he has in his defense is his shitty sarcasm and that's it"

"Is he really that bad?" Luke asked obviously not having a clue about Dylan.

"He's fine" I answered clearly getting bored with this new topic "there are bigger problems than a stupid new Trainer okay?

They all looked at me and then at each other nodding amongst them. At least they could see I was right.


Hello there Fighters,

YES, this chapter is super small and for that I'm sorry but I had this one sitting in my drafts for a while like this and just couldn't think of anything else to add to it.

I'll make it up to you and try to give you guys a double update okay?

QUESTION TIME: what do you think will be Dylan's plot?

-Ana xx

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