Chapter Five - Sweet Nostalgia

Start from the beginning

Your crumpled landing was cushioned. You breathed in the smell of sea salt and grasped at the warm grainy substance beneath you with your fingertips. As your pupils adjusted to the change in light you noticed a pair of black polished shoes before you. You traced upwards with your eyes. The shoes were attached to a slender physique, long legs, torso, arms and neck. His face was thin, his features soft and clean shaven. A nest of curly brown hair sat upon his head and his caramel eyes were friendly and welcoming. He wore a charcoal button up shirt over blue jeans.

“Castiel said you would come” he offered you his hand and helped you to your feet. His voice was as smooth as velvet, almost melodic to your ears.

“Are you Azrael?” you questioned, your breathing was still slightly erratic, though had calmed with his presence.

He nodded in reply before offering you a looped arm, “Walk with me?”

You hesitated for a moment before reaching out and resting your hand in the crook of his arm, adjacent to his elbow. You glanced around your surroundings as the two of you began to walk. Beneath your feet was a carpet of golden sand. It rolled out into a crystal clear ocean where waves crashed, not with war, but in symphony. Above the horizon the blue sky mirrored the sea, emitting a bright light and illuminating anything that it’s beams washed over with a state of serenity.

“These were happier times for you” Azrael noted.

“The happiest” you concluded. You thought back to your life with your mum, your dad and sister by your side. Your mother was an opportunist and she thrived to make you and your sister happy. She would often rise from bed and swoop the entire family off to some new exotic location. Your father didn’t mind. His love for her was overwhelming, from what you remembered. He was happy to take a back seat and allow her the leading role.

“Your memories are beautiful” he commented.

You glanced over at him, looking directly into those caramel eyes. You shrugged off his comment, “Castiel... I didn’t come to talk about my memories. I think Castiel sent me for information.”

“Please excuse my small talk,” Azrael smiled. He didn’t seem offended by you brushing him off at all “It’s in my nature. Though you do not have to worry. Castiel is a great soldier. He will be fine.”

“How did you know that I was worried?” you questioned.

“That too is my nature. It is my job in heaven to ease those who have passed on. I must know what they are feeling to assist with the pain.”

“Can you tell me,” you paused for a moment, unsure of how to continue. “Kushiel, he called me an abomination. What did he mean?”

Azrael tensed, “I cannot tell you.”

“But he...”

“I need to tell you why Castiel sent you to me,” he forced the topic “[Name] you are more than you believe.”

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