Turner shot the remaining few and stood from behind the cover. "Rally on me!" He shouted to everyone and sprinted to the broken house. We all ran over to him and waited for him to make a decision.

"Alright. Perez should be here anytime now. We need to secure the Church." He said and pointed to the almost shattered Church ahead. I nodded my head and checked my ammo.

Perez eventually showed up so we could move to take the Church. I followed behind one of our tanks for some protection. The tanks fired at the Church and stayed behind for back up support. "Let's go!" Pierson yelled at us and I instantly sprinted ahead with him. "Green, toss a smoke in there!" He ordered me so I didn't hesitate to do so. I tossed a smoke and a grenade through the window to hopefully wipe out the rest inside. Pierson signalled for us to enter and I shot a few once I was inside.

We cleared out the first room easily, thanks to Perez. I kicked the next door open and fired my BAR at every enemy in my sight. I made sure it was clear before moving to the next room. Zussman and Daniels took care of the rest downstairs.

I crept up the stairs with Aiello and Pierson and we killed the Germans in front of us. "Aiello, get on that MG!" Pierson shouted and Aiello obeyed. Pierson then turned to me and pushed me ahead slightly, so that I was near the broken ledge.
"Take them out!" He ordered and motioned to the snipers who were in the windows. I ducked down and aimed my sniper at one of the Nazis. I shot him with no hesitation and moved to the next target.

"Hurry it up, Green! Turner needs to move up!" I mentally rolled my eyes at Pierson. I shot the bullet at the next one and watched him fall from the window to the hard ground. I aimed my scope higher so that I could hit the next Nazi and quickly pulled the trigger. He went down in an instant and I pulled away for a moment to reload.

I looked through the scope once again and looked for anymore enemies in the windows. I couldn't see any at first, but then one got my attention. He was aiming directly at us. I didn't hesitate to shoot him in the chest. He dropped to the ground and I searched for anymore. I couldn't see anymore so I lowered my rifle.

"Clear?" Pierson asked from next to me and I nodded in response. "Let's go." He told Aiello and I as we followed him down the stairs. We made our way to Turner, who had everything under control.

The rest of the Krauts surrendered once they had realised they were outnumbered. "On the floor!" Daniels yelled at them, raising his gun at them. They slowly fell to their knees and lifted their hands up.

"Good work, First Platoon. Let's go." Turner led the way back.


"I can't believe you're not that hungry." Stiles said to me as he finished his leftovers. I was eating a little, but I just didn't exactly have an appetite. "Hey, I've eaten some of it. I lost my appetite." I defended myself and he held his hands up in defence. Once I was finished with it, I gave the rest to the others. Aiello and Zussman were still hungry so they split it.

"You have to eat, Green." Daniels told me as he shook his head. I sighed and chuckled a little, "I'll eat tomorrow... I'm fine, but I appreciate the concern." He smiled and stood so that he and Stiles could take the bowls away when everyone finished eating.

I was left alone with Aiello and Zussman for some time. They were talking about something and I was hardly paying attention to the conversation. I was too worried about my mother and how she was doing. I bet she had never felt so alone in all of her life.

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