One Step for Man, One Bigger Step for Weebs

Start from the beginning


A pause is what Izuku went through that moment. So to make it short. The Anima became a rpg quirk. And chose him. A weeb. A gamer. A quirkless kid. Well shit. " Okay next."


Like most RPGs you level up. Let's do this step by step. Open your status tab by saying STATUS.

"Status-OH, ok that weird."

Name: Midoriya Izuku
Title: No F***k Master
Level: 1 0/1000
Hp: 100/100
Mp: 0/0 (Must learn a spell/martial art)
Stamina: 75/75
Vitality: 3
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 40
Wisdom: 10
Agility: 3
Endurance: 3
Luck: U̶N̞̫̘̯̬ͅK͖͇̹̦N̳̼O͔̞͕̳̠ͅW͖̥̟̦̫͡N


Gamer Mind: Your mind is part of you and you are part of your mind. Always keep a calm mind and any mental affecting status affects are negated. Takes time the stronger the status effect is.
Lvl: MAX

Gamer Body: Your body is part of you and you are part of your body. Your body is more resilient to life inflicting injuries and effects. Resting fully recovers Hp, Mp, Stamina. Recovery is reduce the more poor the sleeping arrangement is.
Lvl: MAX

Nerd: Your greatest tool is your mind and intellect. 10% EXP gain to Intelligence and Wisdom.
Lvl: : 8 EXP: 230/550

Izuku made a face as if he just licked a lemon. " I can't really be this weak right? My intelligence is higher than normal though. And what happened to my luck!?"

As you can see, each stat is what makes you! Your Hp is your health. Once hit zero you die. Once hit 10%, you'll gain the fatigue effect and might fall unconscious. Mp is your mana.  To obtain mana you must learn a spell or martial art. Don't worry about hitting zero for Mp. You'll only obtain a mental fatigue effect but won't die. Stamina is...well your stamina. Stamina recovers faster out of the three and will only be drained when pushing your body to dodge, fight or train. Stamina is the easiest to increase.

Moving on to your stats. Due to your past your stats are bellow average in your age group. Each stat will instantly take affect once increased.

VITALITY: Affects your natural health and growth as well as your mana pool.

STRENGTH: Affects your bulk, physical power in basic attacks, martial arts and weight. Most martial arts require strength.

DEXTERITY: Affects your joints, tendons and bones to be more resilient and flexible. Also controls your body mass Incase you want to be more mobile.

INTELLIGENCE: Affects your mental resistances, general thought and mental power in spells.

WISDOM: Affects your creativity and  instincts. Most spells will require wisdom.

AGILITY: Affects your natural speed, reaction time and evasion.

ENDURANCE: Affects your defense, stamina and resistances.

LUCK: Affects your item drop, critical hit ratio, karma and enemy spawn rate. Due to unknown origin, your luck was always a disarray and the Anima will try to fix it.

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