Like I honestly think that I'm fine. My body isn't sore anymore and I feel great! But the stupid doctor insists on running tests to make sure that I'm alright because I apparently took quite the hit to my head. I occasionally get a headache but nothing that I can't handle. After all, it's just a concussion that I got. A severe one, but a concussion non the less!

I see the exit so I pick up my pace a bit. I finally make my way to the door and stop right in front of it. Well, this is it! I think to myself. I let out a breathe that I didn't realize I was holding and I push the door open and step out. I breathe in and fresh air fills my lungs. I can't help but smile and feel happy that I decided to sneak out today.

I look to my right and I see that there are a ton of shops there. I turn my body and start walking towards all the shops. The song then changes to Eyes Shut By Years & Years. My smile grows wider and I practically skip towards a coffee shop called Starbucks. There are a ton of people rolling in an out of there, so I assume that the place has good coffee.

I'm halfway there when I accidentally run into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I pause my music and look up at the person that I ran into.

My mouth drops open and my jaw is practically resting on the floor. I slowly blink a few times, letting my brain register what just happened. The person smirks at me and has there eyebrows raised. Yup, you guessed it! I ran into none other than Xavier whatever his last name is.

"Long time no see cupcake." He says with the biggest smirk playing on his lips. I roll my eyes and start walking towards Starbucks again. Him being him and not getting the hint that I don't want to speak to him, starts to follow me. Xavier throws his arm over my shoulder and walks along side of me. I'm too lazy to push his arm off and I know that it'll just be a waste of time so I just roll with it.

"Oh, your a Starbucks girl huh?" He says with an eyebrow quirked. "So what if I am?" I ask him, daring him to say anything about it. I'm not a Starbucks girl because I simply don't know what it is, but if they're good, I will be! "Nothing. It's just, it's so typical for a teenage girl to go to Starbucks." He says putting his hands up in surrender and laughing.

"Yeah, whatever. No one is forcing you to come along with me!" I simply point out. My turn to wear the smirk now.

"Hey, I'm not complaining!" Xavier says while putting his arm over me... Again!

We walk in and step in line. My eyes scan over the menu and I decide on getting a vanilla frappe with whipped cream. When my turn comes in line, I tell the person what I want and look to Xavier. "You want anything?" I ask to be polite. He looks surprised at my question and he says, "No thank you. But thanks for the offer." He says smiling a genuine smile.

"Okay but don't be asking to get a sip from mine!" I say with a smile spreading across my lips once again. "No promises cupcake!" He says with a laugh.

"That'll be $6.50 miss." The guy at the cash register says while eyeing me up and down. My eyes quickly scan over his features. He's actually really good looking! His blonde hair is a bit messy in a 'I just woke up but I'm still fabulous' way. He has bright blue eyes and sharp features. My, my this guy is fine!

I give him the money and he gives me some change back that I just end up putting in the tips bowl. "And what's your name gorgeous?" He asks with a smirk on his face! God how I hate it when a guy smirks!! First Xavier and now this dude! "Jessica." I say smiling... I'm just so smiley today!

"I'm Marcus." He says, not acknowledging the fact that I came in here with a guy that for all he knows could be my long time boyfriend! "Your drink will be ready in a couple of minutes." I step aside and let the person behind me order because I realize that I'm holding up the line.

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