am i ok

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Someone asked me this question and honestly I don't know if there's a right answer if there's a right answer
most people say it's just a yes I'm okay or no I'm not okay but for me is it's deeper than that and  I lay awake at night and sometimes I cry sometimes I'm up I'm tossing and turning and I'm thinking about what my life would be like if I didn't have so many lives to change and I will wake up every morning with enjoyment of knowing one day I'll get to be a nurse and being a nurse is so important to me because-voice cracking- cuz that's something that I can't stop myself from doing I can't stop myself from wanting to make sure that everyone is okay I can't stop from wanting to make sure that everyone has left I can't stop to make sure that everyone does come before myself and it sucks because I have a lot of advice I have a lot of positivity have a lot of motivation for everyone else except for myself and I lay awake at night and I cry because I don't know what to do because no one wants to return that favor to me know what lays awake at night with me I come I come at the very bottom at the very very very bottom of the deep bottom for everybody when it comes time to be checking on people I come last to everybody but when it comes to me I'm not like that I put everybody first I can't help it-crying- so for the people who feel like  I've ruined their lives  or I messed up an opportunity for them or I did them wrong and any type of way I'm sorry I thought I was helping I wasn't trying to hurt you because that is not who I and and so I guess from this you would say that I'm not okay but I'm able to get it very important to tell myself you are fine you are okay you got it change somebody's life today and that makes me smile that makes me happy that makes me feel okay I told myself that and when I get in these moods so see this is why find the correct answer when people ask me this

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