i get chills

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 Having you in my presence reminds me of old time i went  a couple years without telling you i had you kid 

i wasn't the home wrecker type so i made it my duty to be a mother and not a bitter backstabbing brain washing using my kids for a dick appointment baby momma im not judging im just saying that's not me 

i can't sit and have you in my room and sit here and sleep knowing that the one u with or was with was in the position i was in and even tho i tried to make peace and i asked her to tell u about ur son and she was upset knowing that u already had a baby on the way and then i remember the day i got called to be in a meeting with her 

 i crave for what used to be originally mine but its not that way i understand a man has to fulfill his needs but 

i couldn't watch it anymore 

i left first chance i could just to find out a couple years later i was pregnant 

you might not remember but i told u i was pregnant at least i tried i called u 

emailed u

face timed u and all but ur girl wasn't haven't it 

but when i look at u this is how i feel

 Once upon a time

We swore not to say goodbye

Something got a hold of us

And we changed

And you sat alone in pride

And I sat at home and cried

How'd our fairy tale just end up this way?We went round for round
Til' we knocked love out
We were laying in the ring
Not making a sound
And if that's a metaphor of you and I
Why is it so hard to say goodbye?I can't wait to hate you
Make you pain like I do
Still can't shake you off
I can't wait to break through these emotional changes
Seems like such a lost cause
I can't wait to face you
Break you down so low there's no place left to go
I can't wait to hate you, oohThis was all a phenomenon that no one could explain
And I wish I could press reset and feel that feeling again
I sit and press rewind
And watch us every night
Want to pause it but I can't make it stayWe went 'round for 'round

Til we knocked love out

We were laying in the ring

Not making a sound 

and if that's a metaphor of you and i 

why is it so hard to say goodbye 

i never told u this but when i met with her it was because she said u wanted to talk about this baby situation and so i did but i got chased down by a group of woman who were side chicks  and the girl that  ur with now they  me handled me and facts she said i was lying and it wasn't his i have to admit maybe i should've never met with her

but i  had hope that would stop because i was already small for 8 months and what ended up happening was i went into shock and one of the girls called an ambulance and left after they all  finished me 

-smiles with tears- im grateful because my baby  boy was strong he was fighting for the fact he wanted to live  

he has asthma but we are doing excises to work on it 

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