cum luh baby

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She was a quirky, different kind of beautiful - but she was beautiful. Piercing light eyes and a full smile above a small yet slightly curvy frame that drew attention immediately to her long hair that bounced playfully over her perky breasts. She wasn't dressed sexy, but rather had already hugged him tightly several times since arriving and he had felt them pressing hard into the side of his chest. It was the same point when her breath had blown across his neck and he actually pondered whether or not he would sleep with her, given the chance.

And yes, he would.

She was his wife's best friend, and had come in for the weekend. On one hand he knew her well, and on another he barely knew her at all. They had not spent much time together, but this weekend it would be just the three of them. She had flown in just hours ago, and they had since mostly been talking and relaxing in the living room. Laughter had been a steady stream, and wine was in equally steady supply. He had been drinking whiskey, and only at this time realized that in his nervousness he had sipped just a little too much. When she came back down to join them after changing for bed, the stir in his pants confirmed the intoxication in his skull.

Karen had put on something modest, just some yoga pants and matching tank top - but it was still hugging very tightly to her, and he struggled again with his thoughts not to go to such dirty places. He could feel his wife's gaze on him, and knew he had been caught watching her. The look in her eyes was not one of anger.

Karen was just a natural sexy. A quirky and fun girl that was fun to talk to and clearly fun in the sack. It was hard not to want her at least a little - and his wife and talked about her openly without any hint of jealousy. He tried to keep his eyes focused forward and tried not to wonder what she felt like...or sounded like, as the talk continued.

As the night wore on, the talk turned to sex. Karen, recently single had been exploring more of the night life and as always was quite open with describing her exploits. None of this was new, or really surprised him. Karen has always been pretty open. What did surprise him was the point which his wife, Molly began to share some of their own recent adventures that he felt a rush into his cheeks. Molly openly talked about some of their recent exploration into threesomes and a more open arrangement with other women.

The look on Karen's face as her bright eyes beamed over him let him know how surprised she was at this admission, not from her friend, but more about him. She had considered him more reserved up until that moment - and only now began to understand the sexual creature that was her best friend's husband. An arousing moment hung in the air for a moment, before attention went back to Molly's thoughts on a most recent date with a young woman.

Within an hour the silent pauses in the conversation grew and soon the girls moved upstairs. He had stayed in the living room a moment longer, finishing a whiskey and thinking more dirty things as he sat in a bit of a horny haze. Once he finally stood and climbed the stairs, he found both Karen and Molly in their king size bed, snuggled up under the blankets and talking. They took no immediate note of him as he went to prepare for bed. They continued laughing and talking in hushed tones as he got around for bed.

When he came back out of the bathroom, Molly's eyes were closed on the bed, and she only laughed in a half-awake manner as she spoke with her eyes still shut, "Be careful if you fall asleep in here, we both hump in our sleep sometimes..." and her voice trailed off in a bunch of giggles. Karen just rolled her eyes and let them close. He sat down almost instinctively on the edge of the bed on the other side of Karen, with her in the middle. Some words and last stories were shared as the room became more and more quiet.

Before long they were all drifting to sleep. He had stripped down to his underwear, only just remembering the situation before pulling those off as well - as he slid under the covers and let sleep claim him. Karen was a a good distance from him, cuddled up near Molly and they were both already fast asleep. He let his lids finally close and slept.

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