Ruined XIII

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Jinyoung narrowed his eyes, sharpening his vision in order to find the mop of raven hair of the boy who suddenly make himself disappear.

Smirking, the small headed male make a long stride to his target, pulling the younger away from his locker to a deserted hall way.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He glared, still not letting of the wrist under his palm and fingers. "You did not even tell me you're not going back."

Daehwi has a frown on his face, but his eyes wouldn't meet the taller male's gaze, his dark orbs are filled with fear and hurry. "I don't have a reason to avoid you. Donghyun hyung just found me a place to stay. It's more convenient." He answered, trying to walk pass his companion but can only hiss in vain.

"Is it because of our first encounter?"

The younger sigh tiredly with a roll of his eyes. "That means nothing to me now, Bae."

"Liar. You surely was looking for me. You ask me twice about my voice." Jinyoung pushed, gritting his teeth at the obvious lies.

"I just remembered, okay?" Daehwi grimaced, each passing minute a wave of anxiousness swings him to fear. Fear of something unknown to Jinyoung.

"Or maybe you like me." He stated as if it was an established fact.

The younger scoffed, his gaze full of mockery, still, there is space for uneasiness. Jinyoung is sure it's not because of their situation, and he's getting frustrated when he couldn't jump to point it out or the younger would find escape on their conversation.

"Don't be ridiculous, where are you getting this idea?"

"Then why are you avoiding me?!" Jinyoung glared.

"So you can stop giving me more reason on wanting to stay?!" Daehwi finally admit, his voice and whole figure expresses nothing but exhaustion.

Jinyoung wasn't given the time to reply at the younger male's outburst when a voice called his name. Jinyoung was confused while Daehwi supported a frighten and stress countenance.

"What are you doing here? And with this guy?" asked the newly arrive man that is not just around their age but also the son of main investor of their campus. He has a sly smile on his lips as he stares at the scene in amusement.

Jinyoung was about to shoo him away but Daehwi beat him in a way that is rather painful on Jinyoung's part.

"Nothing." Daehwi answered the question, gaze glued at his feet.

The male raise his brow. "Are you sure? I think I've just heard something. You're not related to this man, right?" he pointed Jinyoung with the inclined of his head, talking as if the small headed male are not with them.

"Maybe you heard nothing right. I don't know this guy." Said Daehwi, unable to see the hurt that glint on Jinyoung's eyes as he walk pass him, not giving a second glance or having a hesitant step.

Jinyoung watch them walk away side by side. He feels hurt and betrayed, but more than that, he knew something was wrong.

So he waited.

He waited until it was dismissal, the time when Daehwi should be off to take that stupid scholarship exam. Making sure he will catch him and pull him to a place where nothing could put another fear on his bright eyes. A place like the men's comfort room. Classic.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Daehwi asked angrily. "I'm in hurry!"

"I know that. Woojin asked me to accompany you." He replied, showing his phone as it displayed a text from Woojin, making sure that Jinyoung did not forget the important event today. "And I'm not letting you out here, until you explain what you have said this morning. And what's with you and that awful guy?"

"That is none of your business, Jinyoung. Can't you just please stop messing with me. I will be late Jinyoung."

The said guy looked at the time on his phone. "You still have more than ten minutes Daehwi, just answer me." He sighed.

"It was nonsense Jinyoung. Even if I happen to like you back, there is a zero chance for us! And it's not like that will happen so drop it!"

"But it's okay if it's you and that guy?!" Jinyoung scoffed, remembering when that male casually sling his arm around Daehwi's narrow shoulder.

"He is the son of Mr. Kim, Jinyoung! And I'm serious about my academic status here. If I have to be friends with the son of all investors here or the student council, I'll do that if I get to study here! You wouldn't understand Jinyoung!" Daehwi screamed frustratedly, wanting to just finish whatever conversation they are having.

"And you can't seriously consider me as friend because I am known delinquent?" He asked, unbelievably.


"What about the others? Jihoon, Woojin, and that Samuel?" Jinyoung huffed.

"Jihoon is part of student council, Woojin is the team captain of soccer team, and Sammy, he's the son of the principal." He's lying again... Jihoon takes care of him the moment he exposed his tears one time at the back of their building... Woojin never forget to watch his food after knowing how light weighted he is and how unhealthy his routine was. And Samuel, he makes Daehwi feels like a normal teenager, that he doesn't have to live his life fiercely. What he said is just a very small portion of why he choose to stay friends with them than stepping the border line between friends and lovers and potentially lost them. But making himself believe those are the whole reason will make his decisions less regretful.

"Having them around ensure my stay here—"

"So while they genuinely care for you, you're just here using them?" The older scoffed, his voice filled with disgust.

"I never said that!" Daehwi gaped, eyebrows furrowed at being misunderstood, but with the way he said those, it is easy to put words on his mouth.

"I thought you're really different, Lee Daehwi..." Jinyoung shake his head disappointed, a sad smile grace his lips as he step out of the door, leaving the younger who's eyes glisten with tears.

Daehwi chose to hold his emotions to himself because he is desperate. His friends would understand... But that small headed guy wouldn't be able to know this warm feelings that is blooming inside Daehwi's heart. That just like his forgotten feelings before, it will be buried, because Daehwi's not ready to risk it all. For the second time, he's not letting his heart taste love.

I'm rushing it guys because I'll be busy... I might not open this account until I don't know...

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