Ruined IX

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Jinyoung smirk when he felt eyes burning holes behind his back. Well it seems like he's not alone on this pinning even though he knows the feelings were different, he feel victor that he can easily catch attention of the boy he painfully carved a tender spot on his heart.

Daehwi on the other side, dropped him to focus on the conversation he was in. And no, that didn't made Jinyoung upset again, sad maybe? But just a little bit.

"So Daehwi-sshi..." Youngmin started again.

"Daehwi is just fine." Daehwi notice the lift on his companion's lips.

"Daehwi." He repeated, smiling at the name of his young brother. "I know it's a whole new thing to suddenly have your brothers, if you'll consider us as that." he joked, antsy. "And a father, that's why we are here to let you know that we are not gonna force you to accept us, take all the time you needed." He laughed nervously, intertwining both of his fingers about the table. "But the problem is, you don't have much time to decide if you'll get to stay here or move with us."

Daehwi frowns at that.  "What do you mean?"

This time it was Donghyun who answered his question. "Like we said, we talked to your mom... and Dad, they were too eager to have us together and we convince Dad to give you time to think and decide for yourself but they only give us until you get the result of your scholarship. I'm sorry."

Daehwi was quick to brush their worries.  "That's fine. Thank you honestly, that's all I needed right now." He breath.

"But that's just Dad, We don't really know about your Mom, Daehwi. I did not want to describe her evilly but she wants to move as soon as possible, so I suggest you not to see her by then." Youngmin inform him.

"That's my plan." Daehwi replied. "The owner of this cafe, Jisung hyung is my friend, I'm staying here."

"About that..." Donghyun scratch at his nape. "Your mom was looking for you so I don't think you should stay here or any of your friends she knows. You could make another argument with her but I'm pretty sure you doesn't want to stress yourself over that when you're about to take a scholarship exam."

The youngest was touched at their concern, he's already anxious about the exam and he meant it when he said the doesn't want to see even just the shadow of his mom. That probably has something to do with the unnecessary slap she gave him.

"We really want to help you but we're currently staying at hotel and Dad have access to all our banks, he'll get suspicious if we'll book another hotel room."

Daehwi scoffed at that in a good way. "That's totally fine. You've done so much. I don't know where I'll stay tonight but I'll be fine." He assured.

Youngmin brows met in worry. "We have our friends who lives around, we can ask them if you wanted."

Daehwi turns down the offer again. "Please don't worry yourself, I could contact some of my friends too." Lie. He doesn't have many friends, and his mom knew all the people he is acquainted to. She's a worrywart, partly a reason why Daehwi couldn't call himself independent. They have spent Daehwi's eighteen years with just the two of them, it's not a surprise that they are each other's support.

"Let us know if we could help you more." Donghyun smiled again, but his voice was laced with worry, he himself was astonished he has. It's funny that he could swear to anyone that if something bad happen to their youngest brother, he will never forgive himself.

"You could stay with me."

The three of them look up at the intruder of their calm exchange, with the two staring in curiosity and relief, the youngest throws dagger with his eyes.

"Bae Jinyoung" Daehwi glared, flinching in surprise when the said man casually slide besides his seat, invading his space and personal problems.

"Yep, that's me." He teased, raising his brows annoyingly.

"I don't think you have a place here." said Daehwi with a roll of his eyes, about to ignore the other guy again.

"...So... you two are friends?" Donghyun asked wearily, being careful at his words.


"No way"

They stared at each other, rather satisfied with their answers.

"So boyfriends...?" Youngmin hesitantly pointed, gesturing at their close distance.

Daehwi's eyes widen in both embarrassment and horror. "We are-!"

"Not yet but we'll get there." Jinyoung continued with his hands covering Daehwi's lips to shut him from talking.

The two men nodded. "Can you give us your address? I'm pretty sure Daehwi would like his clothes and some of his stuffs." said Youngmin carefully.

Jinyoung shrugged. "Sure."

"And Daehwi..." Donghyun called. "Please don't misunderstood our worries as invading your personal life. We showed up so suddenly but we really care for you. We have been for a long time." Those long time was not for their younger brother to know. They might sent gifts from unknown sender every Christmas, New Year, and the 29th of January, but Daehwi can be oblivious about those.

Daehwi shake his head in disagreement, also making sure he at least stomp on Jinyoung's foot for cutting his words and making it to a whole new thing that is both disgusting and confusing. "It was fine." He grins, almost child like, but you can see the genuine and warm bliss in it.

They stayed quiet after that for a while, running out of topics to talk to when their only concern was Daehwi's where about.

"Well..." Youngmin break the ice. "Can I borrow your phone to get contact?" He ask shyly, sighing in relief when Daehwi handed the device willingly. He slide at screen to unlock it, grinning at his self at the wallpaper, a vintage grand piano..., he immediately typed his number and make a call before giving it back.

"Do you have any specific things you want us to pack?" Donghyun ask, they we're already arranging their stuffs, which are not more than their phones and wallets, straightening their coats and dress, indicating that they were ready to leave.

"Just few set of clothes, and there are books on my table." He replied humbly.
"We'll get that. Anything more?"

"That should be all." He assured.

"Do you have enough cash in you? We can lend you-"

Daehwi chuckles. "No need hyung, I still have pocket money from working here and-" Daehwi froze at his words, gaping worriedly at the people in front of him.

The other two also went stiff on their seats, with the tallest as if about to cry or he is at least stopping himself to a display he'll find embarrassing later on.

"Ah... Sorry about that..." Daehwi frowns, misunderstanding the silent of the two as displease of being called 'hyung'.

Youngmin instantly protest. "No, please I like that." He said quickly. Patting his other brother, Donghyun, on his arms excitedly. "He called me hyung holy-" He whispered under his breath, and the other three around him pretends they didn't hear that.

"We should get going now" Jinyoung suddenly commented, shuttering the carefree atmosphere they just found, feeling out of place at the display in front of him.

Youngmin laughs nervously. "Right." He smiled as they stood up. "We'll just text you Daehwi. Take care of yourself and please tell the owner, Jisung, that we appreciate the snacks, we'll surely get back."

Daehwi nodded, also on his feet as he walk them out the cafe. "We'll do hyung." He chirped, eyes almost closed by the wide smile plastered on his lips, that just grow bigger with the faint conversation he could hear from the two.

"He called me hyung again, Donghyun." He exclaimed, probably sniffing. "I mean, it could be you too."

"Hyung, stop embarrassing me." Donghyun grimace jokingly, but he was as happy to be a step closer to be accepted as a brother.

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