Chapter 9:Try Again

Start from the beginning

"Ok" I nodded wrapping the covers around me and raising up more

"Kayla" he said

"Yea" I said

"What's wrong?" He said

"Nothing Chris" I said looking up at him smiling

"You sure" he asked

"I'm positive" I smiled

"Ok" he said kissing me "you can meet me at my house after you finish getting dressed"

"Ok" I said

"Ok" he said leaving out


I opened Chris house door and it looked gorgeous.The marble tiles floor was just gorgeous it sparkled center piece.

"You look nice" he said walking down the stairs

"Thanks" I said

He grabbed my hand and kissed me

"What was that for" I said

"Because I love you" he said

I smiled "I love you too"

|Chris POV|

We decided to wait a month before telling everyone.We was all sitting down waiting for everybody to arrive.

"Chris" Kayla said

"What baby" I said looking down at my phone

"Exactly when do you want me to announce this" she said

"I don't know you can do it whenever you want" I said "I know my mama gonna be happy and shit so whenever you feel the time is right you do it"

"Ok" she sighed

"What's wrong with you now" I asked

"Nothing Chris" she said rolling her eyes

"Why you always gotta catch a damn attitude" I said looking at her sideways

"Nobody's catching a damn attitude" she snapped "you always assuming shit and when you assume you make a ass out of your self that's why the first three letters spell ass"

"I ain't no fucking ass" I said looking at her "so you can shut the fuck up"

"No you shut the fuck up" she said

"Don't start with me Kayla I will fuck your ass up in this place" I said getting angry

"Fuck you Chris" she said getting up and walking to the door

"Kayla" I heard veto say but she walked out

|Kayla POV|

I just needed to stand outside for a little while.Veto is the only one who knows about the abortion and then me being pregnant again.Imma go back inside but Chris needs to shut the hell up and leave me alone.I walked back inside

"Kayla" veto said getting up and hugging me

"Hey" I said hugging back

"How you been" he said

"Good" I said sitting down

"You sure" he asked looking at chres indicating was he doing his job

"Yeah" I nodded

It was an awkward moment of silence between everyone

"So Chris you gonna introduce us to this pretty lady" who is guessed was Chris sister

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