Chapter 2

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Chapter o2

I straightened my blouse, picking up my bag. Casey’s horn was tooting outside and we were running so late.

“Lila,” my mom said coldly, watching me with calculating eyes from behind the kitchen counter. “How’s your biology going?”

I felt the familiar rush of fear that I experienced whenever I saw her. “It’s… it’s going g-great, mom.”

“Anything thing coming up soon?”

“There’s a quiz today.” Which I had completely forgotten about. Cursing myself mentally, I checked that my biology book was in my bag for last minute revision.

“Are you prepared?”

“Yes,” I lied through my teeth. My mother’s eyes narrowed fractionally- I think she saw through my lies- but then she waved me on. I practically tripped over my feet in my rush to get out of the house.

“What took you so long?” Casey demanded as the car zoomed off at maniac speeds.

“My mother,” I muttered, avoiding her eyes. Fortunately, Casey’s eyes were trained on the road.

“If you don’t mind me saying, your mother reminds me of a salamander.”

“Why?” I said, choking on a laugh.

Looking thoughtful, Casey opened her mouth to speak. “She’s cold. She doesn’t say anything to me and she certainly doesn’t seem to treat you nicely. I mean, you’re like her daughter! She should at least give you a hug. She looks like she wants to hit you all the time.”

I flinched, the comment hitting a little too close to home. Still, I pulled my biology book out of my bag and began flipping through it. Casey took one look at me and gave a sigh.

“You didn’t study again, did you?”

“I forgot,” I muttered, reading the long, boring paragraphs feverishly. It went in one ear and out the other. Finally, I was forced to stop, the contents of my breakfast threatening to come spilling out as the car jerked, swerved and beat many red lights.

“Do you mind driving a little slower?” I snapped, green in the face. Casey looked abashed but sped up, contrary to my comment.

“We’re late,” she told me.

“Is biology first period?” Please say no. Please say no. Please say no-


I swore, stuffing my book back into my bag with a little too much force. “Crap. I didn’t study. I’m going to fail. “

“Jeez, Lila, relax. It’s just a quiz to gauge our standards. It’s not going to be counted in the overall grade, so it’s not important.”

“It’s important to me!” I cried a little hysterically. She gave me an alarmed look and pulled into the school’s parking lot, yanking her key out of the ignition. We tumbled out of the car and started full out sprinting to the biology lab.

We were late, and Jericho was already handing out the quizzes. He gave us a disapproving look but Casey just grinned sheepishly and bent over her quiz. I looked at mine and gulped.

I was so screwed, I thought, as I picked up my pen. So. Screwed.

I did the test, throwing in some intelligent answers I could feel were wrong. Still, I handed it up along with the rest. Amanda, with her long dip-dyed blonde hair swishing around her back came up to me and invited me along to a shopping trip after school, which I accepted, needing to get my mind off this horrible start to a day.

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