"I'll do anything to find that person who killed her, Luhan", Xiumin seriously said. That time, Xiumin's co-workers from Luhan's company also visited Claire's wake and one of them was Tao. Kris, Yura, Baekhyun and Rose are also present at the wake too.

"I'm sorry for your lost, Xiumin", Tao said to Xiumin. At the wake, Harriette, Sehun and Suho are serving coffee to Claire and Xiumin's relatives and friends. Luhan saw Harriette at the kitchen so he approached her.

"I just want to say sorry for my attitude yesterday. I was drunk. Don't blame Sehun anymore, it's actually my fault", Luhan said. Harriette was about to leave the kitchen with the tray of cups of coffee but Luhan blocked her way.

"Let's talk. Harriette I want you to tell me what do you want me to do just to make you comeback to me? If I need to face Kris again to get you back I will do it. If you want I'll talk to Sehun and explain everything about us. Harriette please don't ignore me. I need your answers. I need you. Just give me one chance to make everything right again. Come with me, let's run away together far from Kris and Sehun", Luhan said but Harriette just walked away.

"This will be the last time I will ask you about this, Harriette. I just need your answer. Harriette come with me let's run away from Kris and Seh--, Harriette interrupted him.

"Do you think it would be easy to do what you are saying, Luhan?! This is your fault..... yes it's your fault! If you just didn't divorce me this would not happen. I don't want Kris to hurt you again, Luhan and I don't want to hurt Sehun too", - Harriette

"And now you're giving up on us? You don't love Sehun, you're just fooling him!", - Luhan

"You were the one who gave up from the start, Luhan", Harriette said and she left. While Suho was serving coffee to the guests at the wake, he saw Tao went out so he followed him.

"Did you do it?", Tao looked back and saw Suho.

"I saw it in the news. The robbery gang who robbed the bank where Claire went was the same gang who robbed our coffee shop months ago. I know you're one of them. Tell me, Tao did you kill Claire?", Suho said while Tao took a cigarette stick from a cigarette box to smoke.

"How could you do this? You killed Xiumin's fiance. They were supposed to get married next month! Why are you doing these, Tao? You just killed Claire for a piece of ring? I don't even understand what's your point of befriending Harriette, Sehun and Luhan. What do you need from them? What did they do wrong to you?", - Suho

"You really want to know everything?", Tao said. Afterwards, Tao brought Suho in a cemetery and showed him a grave of a person named "Arthur".

"Who is he?", - Suho

"He's the leader of our gang but he was killed when he was put in to death sentence month ago for all the crimes he did in the past including his recent crime when he killed Sir Philip, Luhan's stepfather and Harriette's uncle", - Tao

"Why did he murder Sir Philip?", - Suho

"Years ago, our Boss Arthur was married to Rose and they had a child named Samuel. When Rose knew that he's a member of a gang who did a lot of crimes and afraid that her husband's criminal and gang life might put Samuel's life in danger since he has a lot of enemies, she ran away with their child. Boss tried to take Samuel from her but Rose took him far away from him. Years passed by, Boss knew Rose was already married to Philip so Boss killed him. I always visit him in the prison and asked me to know more information about Luhan and Rose for his revenge but......", - Tao

"But what?", - Suho

"I found out that Samuel and Luhan are just the same person. Rose hid Luhan's real identity to Arthur that Luhan is Samuel which is his lost son. The day I knew that Samuel and Luhan are just the same person was also the day Boss was put in to death sentence by Kris. He didn't had a chance to know about Luhan's real identity before he died. Kris paid a big money that he asked someone to put Arthur in to death penalty as a justice for the death of his uncle. Kris killed my father", - Tao

"What do you mean your father?", - Suho

"Since I was a kid my father would always compare me to his lost son which is Samuel. All my entire life I always heard Samuel's name from my father. He don't even like it when I call him dad. He said, he never wanted me to be his son. He said, he has only one son it's Samuel but I didn't give up. I always do everything to prove him that I can be his son. I became a member of his gang and learned how to be a robber hoping that I might make him proud. I was always there for him but he never sees me. It's always Samuel, it's always about him, it's always about Luhan..... Luhan who was never there for him but me? I was always there for my father", Suho realized that Luhan and Tao are half brothers when Tao suddenly pointed a gun to Suho.

"Luhan started these all, Suho. If he was not born then my father would accept and love me. Luhan took one thing from me that I needed since I was young, a love from my father. My father would be alive today if only Luhan didn't imprison him and he would be alive today if only Kris didn't put him in to death sentence! I fell in love with Harriette but she's already married to Luhan. It's always about Luhan! I actually don't like to do these stuffs but I need to since I know I can make my father proud", - Tao

"Calm down, Tao we can help you. Luhan will help you if you will just tell the truth to him. You don't need to do these things for your father to prove him you love him because you already did. You were always there for him. Tao we can help you change your life just don't do this", - Suho

"But I need to, I need justice for my father. Luhan made my whole life miserable so I will make his life more miserable too. Luhan started all of these! He ruined my whole life! He stole my father from me, he had Harriette and so I will be the one who will finish him but first I have to finish the people around him like you", - Tao

"Tao we can talk about this. I will help you just don't--", Suho didn't finish what he was supposed to say since Tao shoot him. Suho lost his consciousness and Tao carried him to his car and he threw Suho's dead body in a far away place where there's no people around. Tao even cleaned his car so there will be no evidence that he killed Suho. Meanwhile at Claire's wake, Luhan followed Harriette again.

"Stop following me, Luhan! We are here in Claire's wake and I don't want trouble! Kris is here and you know what he can do if he see us together! And Sehun might get suspicious about us that--", Luhan interrupted her.

"I'm not here to ask you again to come with me and leave Sehun. If we don't want each other anymore then come with me.......




at the court for a legal divorce. I guess you're right about what you said a while ago. I don't want to hurt Sehun too because he's my brother. Let's have a legal divorce, Harriette", - Luhan

Message: Sorry for the wrong grammars. This story was made by my imaginations only. Don't plagiarize this story and don't translate it to other languages.

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