"There's one thing I remember wanting to do..."

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Kara was on her way visiting Lena in her office, they hadn't talked to each other in a while and Kara now wanted to surprise Lena. She had brought Lena's favorite flowers as a gift, but another gift she brought -or rather was going to bring when she was at Lena's and could tell her in person- was a table at their favorite restaurant. They had been out together a couple of times, mostly after work or for a little break from all the stress at the office. It had always been fun going out with her, they both always had fun together. – not in a sexual way. "We are just very good friends!" That's what Kara always said when Alex tried to convince her sister to go on a real date with Lena. But that would never happen. Not that Lena wasn't Kara's type, oh, she very much was... It was just... They had been friends for such a long time now. Kara didn't want to destroy their friendship and she was scared to break their strong bond. That had also been the reason why she still hadn't told Lena about the special powers she had. Or rather, she hadn't told Lena that she- her best friend, whom she had told everything about her- was Supergirl. First Kara had wanted to tell Lena when they'd have a better relationship because they had had a rough start. But then, when they'd started getting to know each other more and more, Kara was too scared Lena could hate her for not telling her, for lying to her face this whole time, but she'd hate her even more if she found out, Kara had told everyone except her. Kara didn't want to imagine how Lena would feel if she found out. She hated herself for not telling her, but she always reminded herself that it was the best for Lena, otherwise she might get hurt and Kara could never forget herself if Lena was hurt by someone because of her.

Kara had taken the elevator to the floor Lena's office was. As soon as the doors on the level were opened, Kara was hit by a flock of people running nervously around the whole floor. Kara fought herself through the crowd to finally get to the desk of Lena's assistant. But she was at her phone, talking to some man, excusing herself a thousand times. She gave Kara an apologizing glimpse before taking a notepad and writing something on it. She handed it over to her and her mouth formed a soundless "I'm sorry" before trying to calm the man on the phone -who by the time was getting very mad- down. Kara sighed, her plan was starting to fail, she looked at the note Lena's assistant had given her, it said: "Ms. Luthor is not here, try @ home." Kara friendly nodded and gave the young woman a compassionate look before leaving the office. By the time Kara got out of the building, the sun had already started to set, this view was way too beautiful to not be shared with a friend like Lena, so Kara looked around, checking if there were many people on the street -who could've identified her, which there weren't- and took off to fly to Lena's apartment.

Kara didn't like the modern building Lena was living in. Sure, it was beautiful, but there were way too many security people, which could identify Kara as Supergirl, so she had to land next to the building. She then went in but shortly after she was stopped by one of the security men. It was Colin. Kara had talked to him every while and then before or after visiting Lena. He was a nice guy, but Kara wasn't interested, which didn't mind him from flirting with her anyways. As soon as he saw her, he opened the door for her, a big smile had made itself up to his face. "Kara Danvers, what a surprise! How can I help you?" Kara forced herself to smile a little more before answering "Hey Colin, nice to see you! I was on my way to Ms. Luthor." She could see his disappointed expression, but he nodded and took his two-way radio out. He talked to another security man before looking back at Kara. "Does Ms. Luthor know you're coming? She told us she doesn't want to be bothered..." Kara blushed "Uhm.. no-no I haven't told her, I wanted to surprise her..." He made a serious face. "You know, I am not allowed to let you go to her, Kara" "Please, Colin!" Kara started begging but Colin stuck to his orders. "I'm sorry, I'm just following the rules." Kara sighed. This wasn't how she had imagined her evening. "Please! -For me!..." And that was the point she saw Colin brooding. Then, suddenly, he started grinning. "Well... How about I let you through and you'll go on a date with me? Tonight?" Really? Was that the way he thought he could get her? But on the other hand, she wanted to see Lena. "Not tonight, I already have plans... But... What about... -next Friday?" She didn't like this whole situation, but she would do it for Lena. She would do anything for her. Even going on a date with a man she wasn't interested in. Colin nodded, the grin on his face had grown. Then he took his two-way radio out once again and told his colleague, that Kara was going to come upstairs. Before Colin could ask her more about their "date", she rushed to the staircase and ran upstairs -without getting out of breath, even after running up six staircases-. She walked into the entrance of the floor, being watched by the other security man. They nodded at each other before Kara walked past him and towards Lena's apartment. It was awkwardly silent when Kara reached Lena's door. She knocked twice, waiting for her to open. The flowers had suffered from flying but they still looked okay. She stroked her dress flat, a dress she had bought for wearing tonight. For Lena. It was kinda weird that she had bought a new dress for her evening with Lena, but she just wanted to look pretty. After knocking for the third time without getting a reply, she looked around, making sure she wasn't seen by anybody before taking off her glasses and looking through the door with her x-ray vision. It wasn't much she could see, in fact, she just saw an empty apartment. Lena wasn't there. But why did the security let her come all the way up to her apartment when Lena wasn't even there? That didn't make any sense. So she looked again, now realizing what a mess Lenas apartment was: Clothes everywhere, broken plates in the kitchen and a broken glass of wine on the coffee table, the red liquid had been soaked into the white carpet and had left a red stain, almost looking like a stain of blood. Either way, that wasn't how Lena would leave her apartment. She knew her and that wasn't how Lena Luthor would leave. Kara knew something terrible must have happened. She grabbed her glasses and quickly ran down the hallway and the stairs, taking two or more at once. While running, she reached for her phone in her bag and when she ran out of the building, she left a very confused Colin behind. But she didn't care, all she cared about right now was finding out where Lena was. So she called Alex, her sister and agent at the DEO. Alex needed to help Kara find Lena. She quickly flew home and changed to another outfit. Something more.. simply and less... "dateable subject".

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