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I walked into my hotel room, slamming the door in the process. I can't believe Aaliyah's stupid ass. I need to tell Nicki, but I just don't know how. I decided to take a shower to clean up and clear my head. Then once I'm done, I'll call Nicki and try to explain everything.

I went into my bathroom and stripped down before running the water and turning on the shower. I took my time, trying to think of a good way to tell Nicki. I replayed the possible scenarios over and over again in my head. I just hope Nicki doesn't think that I would actually cheat on her, especially with a fan.

When I got out the shower, I went to the room to find some clothes to put on. While doing that, my phone rung, making me anxious. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Nicki. Sighing, I slid answer and put the call on speaker.

"Yes Nicki."

"I can't fucking believe you Beyoncé! I know you saw this shit! I'm looking at this fucking interview right now!" Nicki screamed on the other line.

I sighed. "Babe, let me explain, I promise it's not how it seems."

"Explain. Now." I heard her Trinidadian accent slip some and I knew I was in deep shit if I didn't say what she wanted to hear.

"Alright, we won the game and while I was celebrating on the sideline with the team someone grabbed my hand..."

"Mhm." She mumbled.

"That someone was Aaliyah from the DM's, but! Before you go off, I haven't spoken to this girl since that day you looked at our DM's. I can send you screenshots of this girl constantly messaging me from different social media platforms and I haven't responded not once-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nicki asked.

"I didn't want to stress you out and I thought I could handle everything."

She sighed. "Continue."

"Okay, so after she grabbed my hand, I snatched away from her and got pissed. I told her to stop harassing me. She got mad when I told her you're pregnant and once you drop the baby you will find her and beat her ass."

I could hear Nicki chuckling and I shook my head. Girl is a true thug.

"While I'm talking, a reporter comes up to me and asks me how I'm feeling and if Aaliyah is my girlfriend. I clearly answered no, but she cut me off and spoke over me and said she was. That's when I pushed her and took her into the locker room and slapped the shit out of her goofy ass. I don't know if she'll retaliate with bullshit, but I told her if a story gets out about her and I, I will fuck her up."

"Fix this Beyoncé, do you understand me? I don't want to fight no stalking groupie ass bitch for you, but I will if I have to."

I smiled. "I love you too baby, I have everything under control."

"You better and get your ass home, now."

"But babe, the team has to stay for-"

"I know how long you guys have left in Seattle and with that crazy ass bitch in the same area as you, you are to leave and come back home on the first flight out tomorrow morning. Got me?"

"Yes babe." I answered.

"I'll talk to you in the morning, I'm tired and over this shit." She sighed.

"Alright, take care of my munchkin, I'll see you tomorrow baby."

"Okay. Goodnight babe."

"Good night."

When she hung up, I placed my phone down and exhaled. I handled that well. I just hope Aaliyah doesn't cause me anymore bullshit.


Folding my clothes and packing them into my suitcase, there was a knock on my door. I sucked my teeth, because whoever it was-was interrupting my packing time. I'm on a tight schedule, so I can make my flight on time.

I opened the door, thinking it was Kelly or Teyana, but was surprised when it was Teyana's girl Diamonté. I forgot she even came out here with Teyana.

"Ummm...what are you doing here?" I questioned.

She's never been around me without Teyana and I'm trying to figure out how the hell she got my room number.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She spoke, trying to come into my room. I held my right hand up to stop her.

"About what? Teyana?" I asked.

"Mhm." She nodded her head. I skeptically stared her down and let her into my room.

I don't trust the bitch, but I'm gonna see what she wants to talk about.

I shut the door behind her and watched as she looked around my room.

"You're leaving? So soon?" She asked.

"Yes, I have to go back home. Emergency."

"Oh..." She made her way closer to me and I frowned.

"So, what is it?"

"I know you notice the way I look at you Beyoncé. You're sexy as hell and I-"

"Let me stop you right there." I spoke, cutting her off. "We aren't gonna do this. I have a plane to catch, so whatever you thought was going to happen, isn't. I'm engaged and I have a baby on the way. I'm not risking that for anyone and honestly, you're not my type. I will be telling Teyana about you coming onto me, now get the hell out my room." I pointed to the door and raised my eyebrow so she knew I was serious.

She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Fine."

She walked to my door and opened it, looking at me.

"Out, now!" I said, raising my voice.

"Ch, you'll want me soon enough Beyoncé." She slammed my door and I shook my head. Another thing I have to tell Nicki. The hell is wrong with these groupie ass bitches? Is there something in the water? I can never be happy and left alone.

I shook my head and went over to my bed to finish packing my suitcase when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and saw it was Nicki, making me smile.

I answered the phone and put it on speaker, continuing to pack.

"Hey baby." I greeted her.

"Hey Bey, are you on your way home?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm packing now. My plane leaves at 10:45."

"Good, I don't need to catch a case for these thirsty ass hoes."

"Well, you might." I mumbled.

"What did you say Giselle?" She asked.

"Babe, don't get mad, but Teyana's girl was just in my room and she tried to come onto me. I kicked her out and I'm going to tell Teyana."

"See, I knew that bitch.." She laughed.

Uh oh.

"I know babe, but you can't fight her yet." I spoke.

"Just wait until I drop our baby. All these hoes getting they ass whooped."

"I'll be right there with you babe." I chuckled.

"You better, but finish packing and I'll see you later."

"Alright babe, I love you."

"I love you too. Have a safe flight and tell me when you land."

"Will do baby, bye."


My phone beeped and the call ended. I can't wait until I get back to New York.

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